Tuesday, June 26, 2012

May in March at HVRM 3-17-12

St. Patrick's Day.  And what a day weatherwise!  Our mild winter is going out with a warm spell that is breaking records.  This week we had three consecutive days of 80 degrees or above.  First March since they've been keeping records (over 140 years) with three 80 degree days.  Also on the brink of another record of consecutive days with 70 degrees or above.  It was 79 degrees today on our thermometer at 2:00 so a good chance that another 80 degree day was added to the 3 already recorded!  This is typical May weather, not March weather!   
At the museum today, there was a lot going on.
Big project was the removal of dirt in the forms that have been put in place in the East Annex of the Shop.  A number of folks were working on this, shovelling stone and dirt into the payloader bucket which Cory then moved outside and dumped.
Mark Knebel was digging a post hole by the front wall of the Shop in preparation for the new light overhead crane being put up in this area.  This to help with moving filled barrels of oil around.    
Other projects included Joe Baker putting some refinements on the electrical work he did a few weeks ago.
Joe Kingsbury put in some new wood patches in EJ&E # 184, the transfer (handicap accessible) caboose.
Bob Barcus, Margrett Cook and Judy Boyer manned the gift shop.
Fred Boyer and Randall Downs represented Hoosier Valley at the Nappanee train show today. 
Lunch today included sandwiches, corned beef and cabbage (natch!), various other goodies and a nice white cake with green (of course!) frosting!
Bi-monthly membership meeting today, which I will not go into detail here (please check the newlsetter), but I will mention a couple of things.  First, a discussion was held about getting electricity to the Troop Sleeper.  Second, it was decided to put Grand Trunk Western transfer caboose 75072 in the spot currently occupied by the Long Island caboose so that the HVRM ladies can use the GTW caboose to sell items in the upcoming train season.  GTW 75072 is longer than the LIRR caboose, and first thought was to move the gravel patch that leads around the car over to NKP kitchen car.  But then Cory Bennett thought that there is enough room to extend that track a bit toward the depot, so that is probably what will be done.
Finally, Dave Cook was appointed to head a committee to try to plan on finishing the work on Wade Tower in La Crosse.  
I spent the morning doing some additional sanding on MDT refrigerator car 13385 and in the afternoon a took a stab at putting some new black paint on the "NEW 10-56" lettering.
Bob Albert and Steve Newland continued putting scrap in the dumpster.
I finally was able to check the N Gauge display layout of North Judson today and saw the Monon box car that Jon Oram recently added.
Lots of other folks at the museum today, most helping in the Shop with concrete preparation.  Others besides those already mentioned included John LaOrange, Bill Dauber, Bob Jachim, Tom Royce, Tom McKee, Rich Warner, Bing Risley, Kyle Flanigan and Andy Roeske.  I am sure I missed some.
Enjoy our early Spring!

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