Saturday, October 29, 2011

Last Train For Season, Beautiful Day For A Ride 10-29-2011

After a day trip to Chicago Friday, I slept in this morning. The South Shore train had unusual
heavy load at Miller IN and needless to say we all stood the entire way to Chicago. Guess
every kid in IN was off school. Got off at the 56st stop for the Museum of Science and
Industry. We got the tickets for the CP 2816 movie and the U505 Submarine tour. Both
exhibits are well worth it. U505 was put underground, restored, and repainted. An excellent
display of German submariners. The tours are now limited to about 20 people and have
excellent docents. My only comment is that when I was about 10 years old, I remember
the Submarine tour, is that it smelled of diesel and sweat. Now after 50 years it is clean,
repainted and does not smell of sweat. Imagine 90 days of patrol under those conditions.
Some years ago, I remember reading that a couple of men tinkered with the diesel engines
and got them to run after 60 some years. German engineering, still marches on. Last weekend
in Mobile AL, toured the USS Alabama and USS Drum. My interest in the Drum were the
Fairbanks-Morse diesel engines, both looked brand new. The Drum is outside, but is being
restored cutting rusted panels out of the hull and replacing them. In Pensacola FL, FRISCO
2-8-2 1355 is nicely restored, lettering is not authentic, but looks good. The L&N depot
is now the headhouse for a multistory hotel. Beautifully restored, with the express building
now serving as a banquet hall. BNSF handles a lot of industries along RT29, mostly paper
mills, the same nasty smell that I remember in 1980 at Corry Field for school. Pensacola
is now a nice town, not a sailor town anymore, just big employer of civilians on military bases.
Arrived at noon, everyone was at lunch. The track crew was working on the east
main line switch, replacing 5 more ties by days end.
NKP bay window caboose has new paint on the north side, with lettering just about ready to
be applied.
Steve Newland and Bob Albert worked on the water line at the Erie shed. Replacing the
water leaking pipe.
Les Beckman did some painting on the switch stands from the C&I interchange to the
shops. Some adjusting, painting, of the green and red aspects.
I worked on the REA trailer using the manlift to reach the very top. The upper portion is
now primed. The roof is in good shape, cept for needing repainting aluminum trailer
The last train of the season left at 4PM for La Crosse with over 100 riders on board.
The LIRR coach was full with the diesel running to put some heat inside. Some brave
souls rode the 2 open air cars
Departed at 4:45Pm. Got a note from Les that he had passed thru La Crosse on his
way home and the C&O kerosene marker lanterns were burning brightly on the B&LE caboose.
Nice touch for a end of season train. Doug supplied the lanterns for todays train.
Next Saturday, Board meeting at 8am. Have a good week.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Pumpkins and sunshine at HVRM 10/22/11

Greetings -
After missing the last couple of Saturdays at Hoosier Valley, was greeted with some cool temps but abundant sunshine today.  Temps started in the mid-40' and ended in the mid-50's, but I think it made it up to the low 60's during the day.
This was the second of two "Pumpkin Train" days and I spent the day as car host on the three scheduled trains.  I heard that we had over 500 riders for the trains and sold a lot of pumpkins at the "patch".  Was on B&LE caboose 1989 for the 11:00 run, split time on the 1989 and EL caboose C345 on the 1:30 run and worked NKP open flat car # 1946 on the run at 4:30.  Lots of happy riders today and hopefully a good day for the coffers of HVRM.  I asked some of the folks where they had heard about the runs, and some said "the paper", others "on the radio" and some "from friends".  Most riders seemed to be "first timers".   Andy Hershman and Fred Boyer were in the cab of EL Alco 310 today, splitting the duties, with John DeGan conductor all day.  Car hosts included Randall Downs, Doug Kosloske, Bill Dauber, Tom McKee, Joe Baker and yours truly.  Elmer Mannen, Bob Jachim, Mark Knebel and Joe Kingsbury protected the crossings at times during the day and also helped in loading and unloading passengers.  Judy Boyer, Margrett Cook and Pat DeGan were kept very busy in the gift shop while Bob Barcus and Loretta Kosloske handled ticket sales and Loretta the pumpkin patch activites.  Others helped out too, including Louise Kingsbury and her daughter and grandaughter.  
Because of the emphasis on members joining in to handle the days trains, other work was light today.   Joe K. was working on painting the NKP bay window caboose 471 in the west end of the shop in the morning.  One side has been completely done in the bright caboose red with light gray band across the top.  The other side has the light gray band finished, with about 2/3rds of the red paint done.  Both ends also have to be painted red.
Mark Knebel had finished painting the Pennsylvania Railroad 50' boxcar and it was decided that the car would be moved from the end of the caboose track over to the display track so that the complete train for passengers could be placed on the caboose track.  The operating crew got this done during the "lull" between the operation of the 1:30 and 4:30 trains.
John LaOrange, Dave Cook and Cory Bennett worked on fixing the leaking water line on the line leading to the ouside faucet behind the old Erie maintenance building. 
I'm sure I have missed some of the folks who helped out today.  It's been a long day and I'm pretty tired as I type this tonight.
Hope everyone has a good week.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Track Gang Rips Up Arlington Crossing on a 60 Degree Day 15 Oct 2011

Georgeous day at North Judson, in the 60's, breezy fall day, clear blue sky. Perfect for an outside
I arrived al little before 10am, quiet around the depot as the only train of the day would
be at 1:30pm to La Crosse. All you could hear was the farm combines in the nearby
corn fields. Getting ready, I head down to the Arlington St crossing. Cory has made quick
work of the rotten timbers, as not one came out intact. A detailed inspection of the ties
revealed 8 needed replacing. A rail joint needed new bolts,  the sun warmed the rail
to close the gap, but will need the C&I track crew to drill out 3 bolt holes to finish the
rail joint. Eight new ties were put in in along with tamping and spiking.  The tourist train
past twice without a problem. The North Judson city street dept came down earlier in
the week and cut the pavement. Bing manned his Bobcat along with faithful dog companion
to keep Bing awake. John, Dave, Grandson Seth, Joe, Bob, Mark and Jason Jordan all manned
shovels thru the day.
Mark, during the week has repainted the PC boxcar into Tuscan Red PRR paint. Nice job.
Joe has been working on the NKP bay window caboose during the week getting it ready
for a new paint job.
The 1:30pm La Crosse train left a little off schedule, but had over 170 riders today.
Nice crowd.
Have a nice week, Les will be back next weekend, I will be gone on vacation.
Link to HVRM Blog

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pumpkin Trains

Kudos to all the individual members and family members who worked so hard to make yesterday's Pumpkin Trains a great success.  There were over 407 riders with 276 pumpkins sold.  Smiling facing lugging pumpkins down the crowded platform was a wonderful sight to see!
The day started out with the repair of the Nickel Plate open-air car which was greatly appreciated with the beautiful weather.  The pumpkins were delivered and scattered throughout the grassy area for each of the trains.  The train crew, car hosts, flaggers, track crew, gift shop workers, ticket sellers and punchers all worked diligently throughout the day.  The clean-up crew at the end of the day made the depot and outdoor area ready for next weekend.
Thanks to one and all, whether you helped out for a few hours or all day!

Loretta Kosloske
Marketing Specialist
Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum
North Judson, In  46366

Pumkin Trains at HVRM on a WONDERFUL DAY 8 OCT 2011

Greetings to all Pumpkin Pickers
A great day Saturday 8 October was had by all at HVRM. Loretta confirmed that over 400
riders on the pumpkin trains and 275 pumpkins sold. Temps in the upper 70's, clear
blue skies, a perfect fall day. The local farmers were busy havesting corn and beans
up and down the C&I line.
Arriving at 8am, John LaOrange had the Erie 310 running an on the move. He moved
on down track 1 and hooked up to the NKP open air car, moving it to track 3. Cory and Dave
were ready with an air jack to lift the car up and change out the broken spring a truck.
Making quick work of lifting the weight off the truck, a track jack was positioned with a
steel rail joiner to lift the bolster taking the weight off the springs. A quick exchange
of springs and the jacks removed the car was set down on the bolster.  It had moved
slightly, but a nudge got the center pin lined up and centered. NKP open air car back in
service for the pumpkin trains and it was filled to capacity on the first run.
I missed the board meeting, but was short.
Joe Kingsbury has scaffolding set up in the west shop on both sides of the NKP bay window
caboose. It looks as if the roof has been cleaned of old flaking paint and a fresh coat
of primer and black paint has been put down. Sides of the car have been sanded and getting
ready for paint. Joe will make quick work on this project.
I moved to the the REA trailer and setup my scaffolding. Getting set up was quick and
grinding commenced on the sides. . After a quick cleanup of prior work, primer was
applied quickly. Things moved quickly and I completed the south side and moved to the
north side. Running out of paint, break time for lunch and resupply of a gallon of primer.
I finished up at approx 2:30 and broke down for departure. Had to be home by 3:30pm
for a sports school charter.
On the way out, I made a quick trip to the east end, where the track crew gang was busy
cleaning up the paving project of the C&I crossing on main street, hauling away debris
and getting the shoulders filled. A super paving job was done last week and now makes
the crossing smooth as glass. Next weekend Arlington Street crossing will be taken
apart for paving the following Monday.
Mark Kniebel has been working on the soon to be PRR boxcar during the week, and the
manlift was positioned at the west end of the car about 1/3 done.
Mostly everyone was helping with the Pumpkin trains, so no other work was performed
on Saturday.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Super Saturday October 1st At HVRM

Greetings to all,
Just an absolute beautiful day that resulted in good weather versus the horrid wet, wild, windy
mood that existed all week long. Friday was the worst with wind whipping up 20 foot waves
on Lake Michigan with power outages everywhere in northwest Indiana. But the next 7 days
are good warm temps in the 70's.
Arriving at a late hour of 9:30am, much activity was already started. The Main Street
crossing was already under attack.....demolition is more the way things were going. Prior to my
arrival, the air compressor running the air ratchet tools had removed most of the big bolts
holding the planks down to the ties. Cory manning the backhoe was busy pulling up the crossing
planks in a manner allowing the payloader and Bob Cat with the forks tips to get under the
planks and take them to a pile across the road, stacking the planks in a neat pile. John L running
the payloader, Bing R using his skid loader, Joe K, Dave C, Mark K, busy clearing the ties of
debris and stones. Both the C&I main and siding were clear of planks by 11:30am. Time for
Meanwhile the train crew was getting things ready for the crowds that were to ride the
1:30pm train to La Crosse and Wade Tower with the Monon Historical group. The train
was spotted at the depot loading platform by 12:30pm. Many riders were boarding early
to get a good seat in the LIRR coach or the open air car. The chair lift car got a good work-out
today with a couple of wheel chairs and others who could not climb steps into the cars.
The train left close to 1:30pm but a couple of last minute items had to be taken care of,
getting a radio to the rear end, whose radio battery went dead at the last minute.
By 1:00pm, I had got my tools together, electric cord plugged in to the new outlet on the
east end of the kitchen car, manlift started, with some help from Joe K working the choke
and it started. Moved the manlift into position on the south side of the PC, soon to be PRR
boxcar for some grinding and priming. I got a good section of the side done before the
return of the train from La Crosse.
The crossing crew had the town street dept cutting a nice cut across Main street for a much
neater cut-in with the paving crew coming Tuesday of next week. Cleanup of the old asphalt
lasted the greater portion of the afternoon. All is ready for next week. Any bets on if someone
might try going over the tracks before Sunday morning. One of the track circuit wires was
broken and the crossing lights will flash till repaired, so that may help prevent an accidental
The train returned from La Crosse at 4:34pm, everyone exited quickly and departed shortly
after, the train crew quickly locked all the cars, and put the train back on the caboose
track. Everyone was gone by 5pm.
Next week, most likely at 8am, board meeting, 3 trains running, and on the 15th, work
will commence on the Arlington street crossing, as only 1 train will be running that day.
Enjoy the fall weather this coming week, see you next Saturday.
Tom Travis