Sunday, April 27, 2014

Enjoy the sun while you can; Hoosier Valley 4/26

The repainted toy platform engine in Illinois Central orange paint back
on the depot platform. Repainted by Les Beckman over a couple of weeks.
Looks Great...Thanks Les


Tie-Tamper Training Day 4-26-2014

Satuday dawned bright an sunny with a nice temperature. Next week will
be cold an rainy again for the entire week. Lots of activity at the museum
Friday Cory and Richard fixed the tailgate on the dump truck. Put a steel
angle iron on the top to keep it from bending any more. New chains welded
to prevent it from going down too far. The tail gate kept falling off also, but should
work quiite well. Cory and Dave went down with the truck and back hoe to load
wood. Mark had stacked an split the wood behind the west shop and needed
some more to keep him busy next week. He just works too hard during the week.
Les continued painting the platform toy diesel in IC orange for the kiddy picture.
He finished up and had Steve Newland transport it to the platform for opening
tourist trains next week. Certainly brightens up platform.
Guest engineer program was in full swing. Six guest engineers had a great time
running the Erie 310 and GE 11 during the day. The most distant participant was
from California. He said if he lived near by would be spending more time down
at North Judson.
Around noon a technican from Americantrack showed up to give Cory instruction
on how to run the tie tamper. The tamper was moved from the turntable track down
to the run around track for set up and operation. Everything was working fine
so operating began. During the afternoon the entire passing track was tamped
and leveled perfectly. The main line is in need of tamping an leveling, but ties need
replacement soon. So no need to use the tie tamper  on it just yet. the tourist
train can use the run around track for its operation.
The Alco had sprung a water leak in the water pump, a drain valve that had been
modified. So various things were tried to stop the leak, but would not work. At noon
it was decided to switch to the GE and take the water pump off to fix right. Richard
and John worked to take the water pump off an to fix it at Richards shop during the
week. The Alco will be down till the problem is fixed. A drain cock will be put on for
draining the pump for the winter.
Lunch was Wooden Nickel pizzas and a cake from Fingerhut Bakery for Les & Betty
Beckman 50th Wedding Anniversary, Cory's birthday last week, still only 39.
Next week is start of regular season for the trains, a new schedule is being
introduced to help the La Crosse runs from running so late in the afternoon.
Bob Barcus had a new paper bag made up last week with a design on it from the
20's. I saw one item my mother use to have, a circular cake pan with a metal
bar that could be turned completely around to free the cake from the bottom of the
pan, so getting it out was easy an did not tear the cake up, for all of 25 cents.
Now days you buy a can of PAM spray it on the pan, Nothing like progress in
the world.

Tom Travis

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Train Rides a Glorious Day, 4-19-2014

A glorious Saturday here in IN. Cool in the morning, but by late afternoon a perfect
day for an Easter egg hunt. Over 500 people showed up to partake in a fun
train ride an the kids to hunt for eggs an a talk to the Easter Rabbit.
Early morning started out with assembling the consist, all seven cars were put
to good use also. Joe Kingsbury, during the week, completed repairs to the
NKP open air car replacing bad boards. The LIRR passenger car was well used,
but by late afternoon, the end doors had to opened to cool the car down, as
it got quite warm. Freon for the car has yet to be installed, due to the cool weather.
Engineer duties were accomplished by John DeGan an Fred Boyer. Sparky
Byers rode in the cab to check on any problems with Erie 310. On the last
run, Sparky had to replace fuel filters at the park, but was accomplished
in a very timely manner. Years of accumulated diesel fuel has to be burnt
out of the exhaust system till it is smoke free. Sparky spent the winter
replacing the fuel injectors with new one. The old injectors were not spraying
fuel as suppose to be, but just shooting unused  fuel into the cylinders,
no actually being burned. Many more people behind the scenes to make
the ride go that much easire. Bob Barcus, Loretta, Randall  Downs, Joe
Kingsbury, Louise Kingsbury, Doug K, Bob Albert, Mark Kniebel did crossing
duty along with Bob Jacquim. Steve Hendrics worked in Grasselli tower
painting. Cory Bennett used the payloader to push over shallow rooted
trees down in the wye area an pile them up for burning later on. 
Richard Warner made it an official Union Pacific day at HVRM, wearing his
new reflective jacket with a big UP emblem on the back. Flying high on the
flag pole was a yellow UP flag. Rumor has it Richard is going to paint his
house UP yellow with red stripes soon. Sparky spent a good part of the
day attempting to relieve Richard of his new jacket, but Richard locked it
up in his truck, so it would not disappear during the day.
Speaking of Richard, the UP tie tamper was deliever Thursday afternoon to
the museum. Les took a picture Friday an sent it to me that I used on the
report today. A couple of new batteries were required, as the others were
severely corroded. The engine started up on 3 turnovers an got it to move
up an down the track for a short distance.  It is going to take a lot of learning
to be able to use it correctly. Already some help is on the way by a couple
of retired employes of NS who ran the tie tamper in years past. It is very
complete with new parts everywhere on the machine.For now it will sit
on the turn table track, until some room comes avail in the shop building.
The IC caboose has taken a couple of changes, no rubber flooring is available
anymore, so the floor is to be sanded down an revarnished till another
alternative is found to protect the floor.
Newsletters were in the kitchen car for members present, the rest will be mailed.
Stop by the kitchen car next weekend for coffee an cake for Cory's birthday this
coming week, and Les & Betty Beckmans 50th wedding anniversary.
Looking around the equipment revealed its pealing paint on a lot of freight
equipment. The years of cold winters an hot summers do a number on the
paint. Some cars need just wire brushing an more paint rolled on. Mike Koheler
was over working on his LIRR diesel this weekend replacing a few parts.
The GE diesel is still being worked on with part on order for the air line.
The dry weather has sparked a number of grass fires along the right of
way of the C&I. North of the Kankakee bridge, a grass fire managed to catch
8 ties on fire and will require them replaced before going to La Crosse
for the tourist train. A ever ongoing job that is never over, tie replacement.
The backhoe tractor is out of service till a couple of hydralic lines are replaced
from bursting last week down at the wye. Inspection of the payloader shed
need to be addressed soon, some structural damage is occuring due to
old age.
I hope everyone had a Happy Easter day. Drive safe, be safe an watch those
Amtrak trains while talking about safety on railroads.
Ross Robinson had knee surgery last week an should be recovering for a
couple of weeks at a care center, then home with a helper for a week or so,
then finally free of pain and able to walk again. He is anxious to start traveling
again this summer.
Tom Travis HVRM  North Judson IN


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Spring sweeps in at Hoosier Valley 4-12-14


A windy day brought in a great Spring day with temps in the mid to upper 70's.  Supposed to be storms tomorrow,
so really happy with todays great weather!

Board meeting this morning but I arrived late.  One thing decided was to put a full train in place (three cabooses,
handicap caboose, two open cars and LIRR passenger car) for the Easter Egg operation next Saturday.  New gaskets
were put on the heads of EL Alco #310 and then the cars were switched around so that the consist was in the correct
order for next week.  Fred Boyer was engineer of 310 with other members of the operating crew participating.

Joe Baker put new electrical boxes in the Shop this past week, which should make it easier to control the various
banks of light.  Thumbs up Joe!

Bob Albert took some cracked boards off of a couple of the benches that sit in and around the depot and put in new
slats and Loretta Kosloske painted the repaired benches later in the afternoon.

Steve Henrichs reported that he finished the last of the painting on the cast iron steam radiators that will go back up
in Grasselli Tower.  Good news to say the least!

Tom Travis and yours truly worked on the lettering on the Purdue crane in the morning and then we put black paint
on certain parts of the little diesel that sits on the depot platform.  Getting close to finishing that project.

Big news was that Bjarne Henderson, assisted by Joe Kingsbury, started in on the lettering for the Illinois Central
caboose (see photo).  They finished up just around lunch and the caboose really looks good. 

Track crew put four new ties in place out near Main Street in the afternoon.

Tom and I tried to put a couple of new boards on the lid of the coal bin that sits next to the Mulberry Street crossing
shanty.  A temporary fix at best.

Matt Lasayko worked on the museum signals. 

Forgot to mention that Jon Oram recently put a couple of new structures on the North Judson N gauge display layout
that is located in the Pullman Troop Sleeper.  When photos of the structures were noted in a couple of photos of Erie
Railroad 2-8-4's that the museum has on display in the depot, it was decided that the two little buildings needed to go
on the 1952-themed layout.  Jon did a lot of research and a fantastic job of scratch building the two C&O structures.
Take a look at them, and the display layout itself, the next time you are at the museum.  

Have a good week folks!



Wednesday, April 9, 2014

HVRM Saturday & Sunday Events 4-8 (9)-2014

Greetings to Everyone,
Was quite a weekend for everyone. Fairly decent outside, slight wind out of
the north, made it tolerable without a coat.
During the week, Mark Kniebel and Cory Bennett spent a lot of time cutting
trees down at the wye properity. Richard Warner might of joined in also.
Lots of wood piles everywhere. Dave Cook was driving the back hoe with
the bucket filling it up with wood an dumping it into the dump truck. A couple
of good sized truck loads were dumped back by the shop buildings. Bing
Ringsley came down with his skid loader an pushed up brush into the
burn pile. A lot of brushed was burned on the wye also.
Down at the shop, Les Beckman painted the small toy engine in the warm
shop building. Doug, John LaOrange, Sparky, worked on the Erie 310 Alco
engine. Next weekend engines will be started for testing and moving
equipment around in preparation for the Easter train rides.
Steve Hendrics and Joe Baker may have worked on Grasselli tower inside. I just
saw some vehicles over by the tower.
Bob Barcus and Loretta were in the depot building getting ready for the train
rides for Easter.
Sunday was the HVRM's annual dinner at the Industrial Revolution in Valpo.
A good turnout of members that have come out of hibernation of winter.
Bob drew a few tickets for prizes for the dinner. A great meal was eaten
by all.
Les & Betty Beckman had a celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary
in Crown Point Saturday evening. Lots of grandkids and friends attended
the event. I made Les an poster of pictures that I have taken over the past
couple of years an had lots of HVRM members sign it on Saturday an Sunday.
Les & Betty departed monday on Amtrak for Denver for a couple of days of
baseball with the Chicago White Sox playing, won Tuesday 15-3, tour of
Coors Brewery and Golden CO. Leaving Thursday evening, so Les should
be back at the museum on Saturday. Maybe he caught a foul ball, who knows.
One thing I did learn Saturday night, was Les actually had a head of hair when
he got married, but lost it soon after, wonder why? hahaha. Dan Siple came
on down Saturday to visit an sign the poster. Looks good, still into military
restoration of vehicles.
Have a good week, temps are rising nicely, but stil had frost both yesterday
an this morning on the ground. Notre Dame girls lost the Championship
basketball game last night to UCONN. I did not hear of any rioting at Notre
Dame after the game, wonder if UCONN celebrated again by burning dozens
of couches in the streets?
Tom Travis