Saturday, December 27, 2014

Last Saturday at HVRM for 2014.....12-27-2014

Greetings to all,


Well the end of the year is near, with 2015 looming on the horizon, HVRM is set for

another year with lots of projects planned. Hopefully it will be a successful one.

Today was mild, so a good turnout of members showed up. With soft ground,

track work was a priority with 10 or more ties inserted  between the C&I switch an

the shop lead switch. 7 more ties need to be replaced an this project will be done.

Ties were spiked with the air compressor spike machine. These ties are the last

bunch available till spring time. Cory, Dave, John, Mark, Bob J an myself made out the



Inside the heated shop, with the new wood stove going, work on the ND&W 5332 was

being done. Joe, John Degan, Richard, Steve were replacing wiring destroyed by mice.

The wood stove has had some improvements made, thermostat control for the blower,

some improved electrical connections an spilt wood brought inside an stacked.


An outside electrical lamp had died during the week an repairs were needed, so the

manlift was brought around to the east end shop. Cory braved the ascent an taking

the light apart found it full of bugs an a loose electrical connection. Everything cleaned,

connection fixed, a test showed the light worked. So reassembled, manlift was brought

down an parked near the fuel tank.


Doug worked on the ERIE 310. Bob Barcus was in the depot. Some brave railfans were

observed walking around the grounds today taking pictures.


Have a safe an Happy New Year. I'm ready to go back to work already after getting some

garage an car projects done this past week due to the nice warm temps outside. Wish

the days were longer, but that won't happen for some time yet.



Sunday, December 21, 2014

Light turnout but not light results at HVRM 12/20/14

Seasons Greetings!

Managed to make it down to Hoosier Valley just after the Board meeting started.  Interesting meeting with various discussions including
train shows, next years passenger train schedules, antique bottles, and a number of other things.

Light member turnout, understandable with it being the Saturday before Christmas.  Still, interesting things got done.

Showed up in the West Annex of the Shop, warm from the new wood stove.  Found Fred Boyer applying additional Bondo to the car sides
of our ex-United States Army kitchen car # 325.  This car has an interesting history being sold to the Chicago & Eastern Illinois where it
was first numbered A-1054 and then later renumbered as 88125. The C&EI assigned it as the tool car for the wreck train stationed at Yard
Center in Dolton, Illinois.  After the C&EI was merged into the MP (line to St. Louis and the L&N (line to Evansville), the car ended up as
Missouri Pacific number X15096 before the MoPac decided to break up the work train and the car was sold to a company that performed
wreck train cleanups for the railroad.  Eventually that company donated the car to HVRM.  After a stint as the Diesel Locomotive Department
work car, the museum eventually decided to use the car in conjunction with our Nickel Plate Road lunch car, but a fire in the car has set this
project back as the interior has been destroyed.  There are still plans to use this car as intended, but the interior needs to be completely rebuilt
including a new floor.  I helped Fred today ratcheting the nuts off of old bolts, or on the tougher ones  Fred cut them with his grinder.  The
photo accompanying this report is of Fred working on one end of the car cutting a bolt.  Just before we quit for the day, Fred sanded down
the now dry Bondo he had applied in the morning.  So progress has been made, but there's still a heck of a lot to do!

Progress also made on ND&W #5332, our Porter center cab diesel.  Joe Kingsbury and Rich Warner worked on the Cummins diesels and
tried to get them fired up this afternoon for the first time since Notre Dame donated the unit to the museum.  Well, believe it or not, the one
diesel fired right up!  And eventually the diesel in the other hood, started too!  The unit sounded great!  The confirms the museums opinion
that, although the Porter looks very rough on the outside, it is in very good shape mechanically.

A number of folks dropped by the museum today including Bill Dauber, Chuck Ness, Elmer Mannen and Randall Downs.  Others on hand all
day included Bob Barcus, Dave Cook, Margrett Cook, Mark Knebel, Cory Bennett, Judy Boyer and John LaOrange. 

Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas, or whatever you might be celebrating.


Sunday, December 14, 2014

12-13-14, Santa Claus Trains at HVRM

Greetings to All,
A nice day for being 12-13-14, mid 40's a nice day for ole Santa to ride the train. Many riders
gathered for the three Santa trains at HVRM today. 336 passengers for the day count, not
bad for only the LIRR coach. Everything ran well, plenty of heat inside, ALCO ERIE 310 performed
well, with GE INTERSTATE STEEL #11 as standby power.
Pictures provide by Les Beckman of some projects for the day. First is C&O 2789 sand dome
being brought into the shop building for refurbishing during the wintertime. Cory got the
payloader out of the shed an immediately got the sand dome down to the shop. Set on a couple
of 55 gallon drums, shored up with blocks of wood for easy access. The dome has been outside
for almost 25 years sitting on old ties. The dome will be sanded down, primed an repainted
an eventually lettered for CHESAPEAKE & OHIO 2789. A start to cosmetically restoring 2789,
replacing parts taken off years ago.
Yes the new wood burner has been fired an tested with great results. Large amounts of wood
can be put in an with blower system, provide good heat for the building. Brackets were made
an installed on smoke stack to hold it in place, with the manlift. Brackets built & welded
by Cory, Sparky, Dave, myself who burnt his finger tips on the hot steel.
Two buckets of ballast were shoveled along the north wall of the shop building to prevent snow
an wind blowing into the heated shop this winter. A 5 man crew made quick work of that job.
The old house is now HVRM's north of Bing's. Cory managed to pull trees out of the backyard
lawn an put them in a pile.  A hot water heater was removed for salvage for further use.
Entrance to the basement was uncovered an the gas furnace will be salvaged later. Not much
in the house is useable, but for some kitchen cabinets. NIPSCO has to remove electric line from
pole an remove gas line before demolition begins. No decision made as how the house will
be removed yet. Bing removed bags of moldy clothes from garage an put them in  the dumpster.
No decision on status of garage either if it will be saved.
Les Beckman an Fred Boyer worked on the tool car removing some more burnt wood. Judy Boyer
removed more things from the GTW caboose.
Next Saturday at 8am is monthly board meeting in the depot waiting room.
Be safe driving in the evenings, dark early now.

Tom Travis