Tuesday, March 13, 2012

If not springing, at least MOVING forward at HVRM 3-10-2012

Greetings -
A sunny day with a cool wind greeted us at North Judson today with temps moderating into the upper 50's by the afternoon.
After an early morning Board of Directors meeting, Bruce Fingerhut, Bob Jachim, Ryan Kertis and Tom Travis went over to the old Milk Station to try to finish the project.  Only the wall closest to the old Erie Railroad trackage remained standing and when I eventually joined them, they alreay had a good start in hammering out a row of bricks so that a short portion of this wall would remain in place after the upper portion was toppled over.  Bruce, Tom and I swung hammers and a small sledge, but even though almost an entire row of bricks was missing, the wall would not come down despite trying to push it over with long pieces of lumber.  Cory Bennett eventually showed up was the backhoe and pulled down one half of the wall.  We then continued removing  the row of bricks from the other half, finally breaking for lunch.  I am sure that my shoulders will be very sore tonight and tomorrow!  Cory and backhoe came back after lunch to finish the job.
Lunch consisted of chicken soup, stuffed cabbage, chicken breast "sliders", various other goodies and peach cobbler for desert.
John DeGan was cleaning up items in the Shop building.
Loretta Kosloske worked on preparing for the Easter Bunny special trains coming up on April 7th.
Rich Warner brought his Erie Tiplex down and adjusted clearances on the overhead G Gauge loop in the depot gift shop area.  Nice looking and nice sounding engine!
Speaking of "smaller" trains, I think I mentioned in an earlier report, that an old Lionel train had been donated to the museum by Bruce.  That was in error as the donation had actually been made by Jim Mennis.  Also, Jon Oram advised me that he had added a Monon boxcar to the N gauge display layout that is in the old Troop Sleeper.  I meant to check it out today, but never did get over there to do it.
Joe Kingsbury continued sanding and priming the outside of Erie Lackawanna bay window caboose C345 in the West Annex of the shop.  Joe, by the way, was apparently the successful bidder on the Lionel train mentioned above.
Bob Albert continued gathering up scrap to eventually sell.
Elmer Mannen and Dan Siple worked on a problem with the Whitcomb.
Tom and Cory joined John LaOrange and Dave Cook in the East Annex of the shop, putting down forms for the future pour of a 8 foot wide concrete pad on the north wall, with Mark Knebel cutting some of the 2 x 4's to the correct length with his chain saw.
Bing Risley and grandson were cleaning up brush and branches around the refrigerator car building.
I finally went down to MDT refrigerator car 13385 with some sandpaper.  This car was marked last year with a Built date, but I could never figure out why the car did not have a built date on it.  Finally dawned on me that perhaps the date was under the FA 6-64 marking where the car had been reweighed at that time.  So, with a bit of elbowgrease, I carefully sanded the FA 6-64 area and low and behold; their appeared the original markings NEW 10-56!
Other folks at the museum today included Doug Kosloske, Randall Downs, Margrett Cook and Tom Royce.  I may have missed some others.
Finally rolled out for home at 3:30 p.m.  Have a good week everyone and don't forget to "Spring Forward" tonight by turning your clocks ahead one hour!

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