Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Excursion to La Crosse IN 10-30-2010

Never a more perfect day and evening for an excursion to LC. Over 100 riders enjoyed
the train ride and the animal program at La Crosse. The kids were thrilled by all the
wonderful showing of animals, skunk, owl, bull frog, big dog. Don't worry the skunk
is as calm as a kitty cat. Train left at 4:15pm and arrived in LC still in daylight, but as
the time flew by, it was getting darker by the minute. The engine crew even spooked
a 6 point buck up and across the tracks, narrowly missing it by a foot with the locomotive.
Coming into North Judson all the railroad signals lighted up and looked ever so nice.
After disbarking the cabooses, the crowd dispersed and all that was left was the locomotive
shining its headlights down the track off the sides of the railroad cars and the signals.
Rarely is this event seen at HVRM. Lots of hard work put in by Loretta an Pat to put this
all together. All the train crew and the car hosts were much appreciated.
Now that the excursion season is over, its back to traditional grunt work at the museum.
Car 899 had the east end wire wheeled and primed yesterday. Track work continued on
the Erie main with the air compressor and tamping ballast where Mark had installed new
ties. Some new stone put down on the driveway to help fill up the pot holes. Matt
the signalman and the crane with man cage, replaced some bulbs in the signals on
the east end of the Erie. The Pennsy flat car was moved out to help pulled out the
C&O 2789 tender from the the locomotive. Tender was put down on the east end of the
yard. Grasseli's tower name is now back up on the stairs. Tower gets a little more paint
each week. 
Lunch was highlighted by a nice birthday cake for Les Beckman who is a young "70". Les's
mother turned 96 a week ago, way to go girl.
Elections are coming up in January, VP, Sec, Board member, sign up is in the kitchen car
to get your name on the ballot.
Board meeting is next Saturday morning, 8am in the depot. Have a good week, drive safe.

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