Saturday, July 20, 2019

Shopwork Pics at Hoosier Valley 2/23/19

Greetings to  Everyone,

Has not been bad weather, well the annual meeting was snowed out, will be rescheduled for a later date.
A very cold week of -50 degrees hit the area, shutting down school, local work jobs, you name it, it was
closed. But things have rebounded to being nice again. NW Indiana had one snow storm of measurable 
snow an melted the next day. Work had continued on Saturdays in the warm shop.

The Porter engine has been the main issue, with the brake system being reworked. The entire engine 
was jacked up to roll out the trucks at both ends of the engine. Taking apart the air cylinders an cleaning
everything, replacing gaskets, cleaning out the inside of the cylinder of rust, burnt on grease, getting them
to shine. Tom Rainford in the first pic has been hard at work now for a couple of weekends cleaning the truck
on the east end of the diesel. A number of gaskets were purchased, but not enough for the entire job, so
the rest of rubber gaskets needed will be cut out of stock. Its been done before an has worked quite
well. Pic 2, Cory Bennett is working on some piece of air pipe under the engine, trying to take it off.
Some connections are going to be replaced with a flexible rubber pipe with connectors on both ends,
one end to screw into the air tank, other end to the supply air, making it easier to work on instead of
pipe. Pic 3 is Tom Travis on left, John LaOrange on right, grinding on a piece of metal. Taking the crud
off is a hard job. Others working on the trucks included Kevin Kennedy, David Cook, Joe Kingsbury,
Les Beckman an myself, Tom Travis doing some actual labor, well at least I got dirty, sure felt it Sunday.

Lunch was provided by Charlene an Sherry, who made beef raviola, french toast, cheese cake, strawberry
jello with cottage cheese, an other assorted side dishes. Cheese cake was the highlight. A new volunteer
joined the museum Saturday helping out in the shop in the afternoon. Bob Barcus worked the gift shop.
I might of missed a couple of volunteers, but  thanks to everyone working on the Porter. Oh Joe the
electrican was also working in the shop. Mark Kniebel was there also. Thanks to everyone who helped 
this past Saturday.

February is at an end, March is right around the corner, an after that is the first event of the year,
Easter trains. 

Everyone have a good, safe week. 


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