Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Good weather at HVRM 7/28/18



Nice weather at North Judson this Saturday with temps around 80 degrees.  For late July, we will take it!

Good passenger counts for both the 12:30 and 2:00 trains today.  John DeGan was engineer on Alco # 310 with Bjarne Henderson the conductor.  Bob Gyurko was car host on LIRR coach # 2937 with Tom Travis handling the honors on MKT open car number 13833.  Doug Kosloske handled most of the road flagging duties.

Bob Barus and Loretta Kosloske handled gift shop and ticket agent duties in the depot.

Another section of track was spiked down leading in to the west end of the Shop building.  Cory Bennett, Dave Cook, Kevin Kennedy, John LaOrange, Tom Rainford and Tom Travis did the work.  Steady progress being made.

After doing the morning track inspection, Mark Knebel sprayed for weeds around the museum property.

I was hoping to put some more crushed stone around the concrete step for the lower door into Grasselli but that didn't happen, so since Mark wasn't using the Lift, I grabbed it and putted over to the tower where I scrapped peeling paint and put some primer on the upper story on Grasselli's south facing side.  Lots still to do.

This past week, Mark had started in on the lettering of the Nickel Plate Road baggage car, doing free hand work to put the number and star on both sides of the car (see Mark's photo attached).  Late in the afternoon, he was putting the stencils on the side to trace the letters for BAGGAGE on the car.  Continuing to make progress!

No word yet on the upcoming move of the EL coach to the museum.

Recently heard some good news concerning the CRI&P brick depot in New Lenox, Illinois that was supposed to be torn down.  Now it turns out it will be moved and used for a museum. 

Have a good week everyone.  Supposed to be getting some rain this week with moderate temps but a warm up on the horizon for next weekend.



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