Sunday, January 28, 2018

January snow melt at Hoosier Vallery 1/15/18

Greetings -

After missing a month due to the Christmas holidays and frigid weather, I managed to make it to the museum today.  The temps have moderated into the 40's and the snow on the ground at North Judson, started to turn to slush!  Rain due in over the next couple of days, should get rid of what is left.

Chicago and North Western box car # 284 was parked on the museums main line near the museums depot.  Couldn't pass up the photo opportunity with the bright sun on the snow, and the result is seen in the first photo.

Made it to the Shop where I found Long Island passenger car # 2937 occupying one of the shop tracks.  The bolster pin needed to be greased, and the heavy jacks were in place getting ready to lift up one end of the 2937.  Cory Bennett is shown in the second shot making some adjustments, as John DeGan watches.  John LaOrange was manning the jack on the opposite side of the car and here he is at left in the 3rd photo with Steve Henrichs, as they get that jack moved slowly up to make contact with the car.  Once the actual lift was started, Steve (closest to the camera) in the fourth photo and John DeGan with his eye on the wood level placed on the back platform, watch to make sure the car stays on the level as it goes up.  The grease was applied later. 

Joe Kingsbury was working on the ND&W Porter diesel in the West Annex of the Shop building.

Also going on in the West Annex, Mark Knebel was painting roof walk sections of C&NW box car # 284 (5th pix).  I put the camera away, grabbed a paint brush and gave Mark a hand.  We ended up finishing two roof walk sections (see photo 6) before lunch.  With 3 sections that Mark did earlier, only 3 shorter sections need to be done before the walk is finished and can be put back up on the car roof.  A job that probably won't be done until this spring.

After lunch, the members started to gather in meeting car # K-325 for the Annual Membership Meeting.  The last photo shows Cory at the far end facing the camera, with Treasurer Bob Barcus seated to his left.  Too many folks to point out here, and more came in before the meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m.  Since there were no other nominations, the 4 incumbents up for re-election, were all voted back in.  Congrats!  Lots of interesting things were discussed.  Check the upcoming Newsletter for additional info.

Enjoy the "January Thaw"!



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