Saturday, January 16, 2016

Meeting day at HVRM 1/16/16


Annual Hoosier Valley meeting today in the North Judson Library.  But work continued at the museum nevertheless.

Cory Bennett welded pieces in the end door frame of C&EI tool car # A-1054 to replace rusted out sections.  Looks real good!  Meanwhile, Joe Kingsbury, David Cook and Fred Boyer also continued working on the car.  Getting closer all the time to being our eating car for lunches at the museum!

Bob Jachim continued work on the restoration of the "Governor's Desk".  Bob can be seen working on the desk in the first photo, which also shows the newest section of concrete that was poured this past Monday.  This completes the back 1/3rd of the north side of the West Annex of the Shop.

John DeGan put new handles on a number of shovels at the museum.  The second photo shows John hard at work on that job.

Tom Rainford put a brace on a shelf in the West Annex that had been sagging.

Steve Henrichs finished painting the lockers that will eventually be installed up in the second floor of Grasselli Tower (the lockers can be seen in the first photo). 

I took some measurements on the cabooses today for a possible project.  Nickel Plate caboose # 471 looked so good sitting in the sun outside the Shop, that I took a photo of it.

Certain folks have told me that I quite often neglect to mention the folks who work in our museum depot, and I admit that I have been guilty.  Well, photo 4 is a shot of museum Treasurer Bob Barcus at his computer in the depot, working on museum business.  Bob's Treasurer's report later was a highlight of the Annual Meeting!

Finally, the last photo is a bit dark and my apologies for it.  But it shows that the crew has recently reattached the Porter bell onto the hood of Notre Dame & Western diesel #5332.  In response to my question, Joe Kingsbury rang the bell.  Sounded wonderful!

Temps are supposed to take a dip starting tonight.  Stay warm folks!


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