Sunday, January 18, 2015

Re: Bit of a January thaw at HVRM 1/17/15

Tom -

Thanks for the correction.  I meant to mention the work being done with the replacement belts on the
Erie 310, but just forgot to include it.  My bad!  Thanks also for mentioning Bob Albert and his work
with the scrap pile.


From: Thomas Travis <>
To: Tom Mulvaney <>; Ross C Robinson <>; Les Beckman <>
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2015 10:51 AM
Subject: Bit of a January thaw at HVRM 1/17/15

John LaOrange an Doug K worked on the ERIE 310 putting on new belts either the air
compressor unit or the generator. Don't know if they got all the new belts on or not,
 4 or 5 needed replacing.  
Bob Albert has been filling scrap metal dumpsters, first one is about ready to go, an
a couple more are needed for the rest of the scrap.


Annual Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum membership meeting today at the North Judson Library.  Despite the
event taking a big chunk out of the time during the middle of the day, things still got done at the museum.

Bright sunshine and temps up to 43 degrees, actually melted some of the snow cover.  Sure better than the
frigid temperatures we had earlier in the week.

An effort was made to burn some of the trees and brush that were removed last year during the cleaning of the
old Erie/New York Central wye right-of-way.  Lots of smoke!

Joe Kingsbury and Richard Warner continued their efforts with tracing the wiring on Notre Dame & Western
Porter diesel # 5332. 

Fred Boyer put bondo on the patch that John DeGan welded onto the one end of C&EI tool car # A-1054 last
week.  Photo attached.  Fred also put the correct K4 classification onto C&O Kanawha # 2789.  The engine is
looking better, but still lots to do toward its cosmetic restoration.  As an example, a photo of the cab on the
2-8-4 is also included.

Steve Henrichs continued working on Grasselli Tower.

Annual meeting went well, including the election with all incumbents again re-elected.  The third photo shows
Louise Kingsbury and Judy Boyer checking the membership list and handing out ballots.

Hope everyone has a great week.  The days ARE getting longer, so hang in there!


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