Saturday, March 2, 2013

Signs of Spring at North Judson

Hi All,
After a long hiatus, I'M BACK!!!!!!! Saw a Cardinal and Bluejay today, nice to see some birds again,
no robins yet. Some nice sounds from the Cardinal. Thousands of ducks in the gravel pit near IN 39 and
US 30. Saw two skinny legged birds land in a corn field also, can't remember what they are called right
now, memory brain cells not working. 
Not to bore anyone, I did make it to North Judson today for a couple of hours.
First lunch at the Wooden Nickel, fish that I did not get last night for supper, then over to Fingerhut to pick
up a cake and some Putz??????, unbelieveable real strawberry and cream cakes, that are the best anywhere
Drove over to the HVRM shop, some activity going on, the 2 Joes were both on there stomach and feet in
the aisle, putting back on radiator covers, that were taken off in the LIRR  2937 coach. Heat does work
again in the car, with some new bearing in the engine, it is running again. Nice an warm in the coach with
a torpedo heater at west end door of the car, blowing in heat an the east door open. Floor may of been
cold though.
On to the IC caboose. Les has been busy on RYPN tracking down the correct number when it was in
service on the IC. No luck on any certain number. Doug and Bob both inside the warm an toasty caboose
putting in new window frames inn all the windows, replacing all the rotten window frames. A couple
of torpedo heaters warmed the west shop up considerably from a chilly 32 degree start. Two others were
working on the Army Sleeping car replacing wood panels the ceiling. Making progress in both cars.
Depot was manned by Loretta, Bob, and Randall. Steve was working on the G scale track in the waiting room.
Mark, Richard and John were over on the north side of American Oak looking at some ground donated to the
museum recently. Surveyor is to mark out the properity soon. Why I don't know it was donated to us, on the old
NTC ROW. Notre Dame Porter diesel is up to the membership if HVRM is to pursue its acquisition. Museum is
not interested in ND #1 hopper car, and remants of an old American crane. Scraping it on the spot is not
money wise, as whoever comes in most likey will end up owing the scrapper money, losing deal,
too expensive to move by truck to the museum. The Porter diesel will have to be moved professionaly in my
opinion. It is cut off from the mainline in South Bend the trackage has been tore up, making it a rails to
trail venture.
Left after a couple of hours standing around just shooting the breeze. Board meeting is next Saturday morning
8am in the depot,. March 10th is HVRM annual dinner at Monon Connection in Monon IN, slow time 2pm.
March 16th is membership meeting at most likely 1pm in the depot, for all of you interested.
Bing was holding down a bench in the waiting room most of the afternoon. Seemed to be having a good
time. Randall is now using 2 canes to walk with, is holding off getting hip replacement till the right time.
Take it from a guy who knows about hip pain, GET IT DONE NOW, you will not regret it later. Suggested
that he get both done at same time an recover in a timely period. Worried about no one taking care of him
and not being able to teach college classes and do car hosting this summer. Something he will have to
decide by himself.
Hope to see everyone next weekend at the board meeting and annual dinner.
I've  been back driving school bus two weeks an 3 days, 2 tylenol takes care of the pain every morning,
shoulders and other muscles hurt still, but hip pain is almost non-existent.
Have a safe and productive week.
Tom Travis

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