Saturday, September 11, 2010

HVRM Report for 9-11-10

After a beautiful week of nice weather, guess what, it rained all morning long here
in NW IN. Certainly a bummer for the town of North Judson that had big plans for
today for yard sales, etc. I did not go down to NJ till about 11AM since our activities
were outside today. Les made it down earlier and had wet shoes to prove it.
Les made busy work on the GTW caboose, making window frames and caulking the
cracks. One thing that the rain did prove, its not leaking in the caboose, as all the
window were dry, no leaks near the ceiling either. While Les worked on the windows,
I made busy work of dragging the 2 coach seats back into the GTW. Les made me aware
of another wall seat buried in the stuff along the south wall of the shop. I brought it over
and grabbed a couple of 4x4's for the legs to set on, these are the short leg seats. By then
we made a trip over to Metra 1502 to retrieve seats that were stored in side the car.
Took my van over and we loaded it up, just coming out, Ross Robinson showed up.
Ross is on way back from Iowa to Ottawa and stopped by for a visit. We loaded up and
went to lunch at the Wooden Nickel for some some catch up time. Returning to the GTW,
unloaded the van and put seats inside. Made a visit to the D&RGW coach to attempt to
remove a marker bracket from the end of the car. It was finally removed after about an
hour of drilling out screws and good old fashion pounding. Surprise, the brackets are made out
of brass. Ross will have new brackets made in the Renfrew foundry someday.
Another old friend and member also showed up today, Bruce Emmons, who looks good
and is doing well. Annabelle was out yard sale shopping, but everything was wet. Bruce came
over to pull some T-shirts of the hangers for the Griffith Rail weekend that HVRM has a booth,
so come out and help man the booth. Good to see Bruce and Annabelle.
Mark Kniebel has the final coat of paint on the NKP boxcar and Joe Kingsbury is doing a
great job of lettering it. Wonder what the next project will be. BTW, Mark painted the
kerosene tank aluminum  and it looks great.
Train ridership today was on the low side, most likely due to the rain this morning.
Bob Albert/Steve Newland worked on scrap pile and some boards for Grasseli tower.
2 tank cars were cut out after train rides for interchange.
Nothing else to report, have a good week everyone.

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