Tuesday, June 20, 2017



Greetings to all,

Hope everyone had a good weekend. Weather was moderate compared to last week. Be thankful

you are not in the Southwest US, extreme temps for a very large area stretching from California

central valley to AZ, NM, CO, TX, MS an then a tropical storm is battering the Texas coast line. Up to

4 inches of rain. How says global warming does not affect the weather. Well operations continued

on over the weekend at HVRM.

Saturday was a good ridership day with maybe close to 100 people rode the train, mostly folks from

the mint fest. Tom Travis an Bob Barcus manned the depot for Saturday. Margret provided lunch for

the working crew on the train an track workers. Les Beckman manned Grasselli Tower for most of the

day. Bob Jacquim provided services most of the day, coffee maker, opening the depot, putting up the

flag, protecting Mulberry street to any other odd job around the museum. Bjarne Henderson was the

engineer, Mark Knebel was conductor for Saturday. Steven Bulla provided crossing guard protection.

Cory, David, John an some others worked on putting ties in on the storage track. I believe that all the

old ties are now out an putting rail plates under the rail. I may have missed a few.

Engine 11 provided power for the weekend activities. Each day had 2 guest engineers before regular

operations began.

Sunday workers were Loretta Koslovske an Tom Travis for the depot. John DeGan was engineer, Doug

Koslovske was conductor. Les Beckman provided car host duties for both runs. John La Orange an

Cory Bennitt were noted down at the track work site putting ties in under the rail. Bob Albert was in attendance

also. Steve Bulla again provided road crossing protection. First run had a fair amount of riders, second

run was not so many.

Les Beckman provide some pictures for the report. Bjarne was working on the Troop car paint 

to keep it from fading. The troop car really looks good, thanks for all your hard work. 

Hope everyone has a good week, be safe on the road. Les will be putting out the newsletter for the

next couple of weeks while I take a short vacation

Tom Travis

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