Sunday, June 11, 2017

HVRM BOD Meeting Sat / Revenue Status


Attachments (3):  Loss Revenue Report, INDOT-Town Agreement, Town Public Notice

This email contains a report from HVRM Treasurer Barcus.  I'm including it for those I have an email address.  It might help explain the current situation at HVRM.

I did hand out copies to the town board at the recent Town Council meeting in North Judson this past Monday.  I had questions as to when they were going to file to have the current operator thrown off the rail line.  Their legal public notice to do so ran in area newspapers in late April.  I didn't get a satisfactory answer.  They didn't know about their published public notice or the date it stated (May 10th) the Town was going to make its federal filing at the STB.

Everyone needs to take some proactive steps, or make some noise, lets gets this done and over with assigning a new railroad operator.  Its the public's rail line.  Over 80% of the purchase price was done with federal, state and county monies (Starke, Porter, LaPorte).  HVRM's Transportation Enhancement application, with the Town as sponsor, brought in $1,500,000.00 to help purchase the line for railway excursions.  HVRM started operating Saturday tourist trains on the line in 2006, and has since hauled 48,000 tourist passengers on those trains.

HVRM was the first entity to take a step forward and try and save the rail line, and bring others into the fold to get it done.

The HVRM board of directors has its monthly meeting this Saturday morning at 8amCT in the depot.

Mark Knebel

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