Sunday, April 27, 2014

Tie-Tamper Training Day 4-26-2014

Satuday dawned bright an sunny with a nice temperature. Next week will
be cold an rainy again for the entire week. Lots of activity at the museum
Friday Cory and Richard fixed the tailgate on the dump truck. Put a steel
angle iron on the top to keep it from bending any more. New chains welded
to prevent it from going down too far. The tail gate kept falling off also, but should
work quiite well. Cory and Dave went down with the truck and back hoe to load
wood. Mark had stacked an split the wood behind the west shop and needed
some more to keep him busy next week. He just works too hard during the week.
Les continued painting the platform toy diesel in IC orange for the kiddy picture.
He finished up and had Steve Newland transport it to the platform for opening
tourist trains next week. Certainly brightens up platform.
Guest engineer program was in full swing. Six guest engineers had a great time
running the Erie 310 and GE 11 during the day. The most distant participant was
from California. He said if he lived near by would be spending more time down
at North Judson.
Around noon a technican from Americantrack showed up to give Cory instruction
on how to run the tie tamper. The tamper was moved from the turntable track down
to the run around track for set up and operation. Everything was working fine
so operating began. During the afternoon the entire passing track was tamped
and leveled perfectly. The main line is in need of tamping an leveling, but ties need
replacement soon. So no need to use the tie tamper  on it just yet. the tourist
train can use the run around track for its operation.
The Alco had sprung a water leak in the water pump, a drain valve that had been
modified. So various things were tried to stop the leak, but would not work. At noon
it was decided to switch to the GE and take the water pump off to fix right. Richard
and John worked to take the water pump off an to fix it at Richards shop during the
week. The Alco will be down till the problem is fixed. A drain cock will be put on for
draining the pump for the winter.
Lunch was Wooden Nickel pizzas and a cake from Fingerhut Bakery for Les & Betty
Beckman 50th Wedding Anniversary, Cory's birthday last week, still only 39.
Next week is start of regular season for the trains, a new schedule is being
introduced to help the La Crosse runs from running so late in the afternoon.
Bob Barcus had a new paper bag made up last week with a design on it from the
20's. I saw one item my mother use to have, a circular cake pan with a metal
bar that could be turned completely around to free the cake from the bottom of the
pan, so getting it out was easy an did not tear the cake up, for all of 25 cents.
Now days you buy a can of PAM spray it on the pan, Nothing like progress in
the world.

Tom Travis

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