A glorious Saturday here in IN. Cool in the morning, but by late afternoon a perfect
day for an Easter egg hunt. Over 500 people showed up to partake in a fun
train ride an the kids to hunt for eggs an a talk to the Easter Rabbit.
Early morning started out with assembling the consist, all seven cars were put
to good use also. Joe Kingsbury, during the week, completed repairs to the
NKP open air car replacing bad boards. The LIRR passenger car was well used,
but by late afternoon, the end doors had to opened to cool the car down, as
it got quite warm. Freon for the car has yet to be installed, due to the cool weather.
Engineer duties were accomplished by John DeGan an Fred Boyer. Sparky
Byers rode in the cab to check on any problems with Erie 310. On the last
run, Sparky had to replace fuel filters at the park, but was accomplished
in a very timely manner. Years of accumulated diesel fuel has to be burnt
out of the exhaust system till it is smoke free. Sparky spent the winter
replacing the fuel injectors with new one. The old injectors were not spraying
fuel as suppose to be, but just shooting unused fuel into the cylinders,
no actually being burned. Many more people behind the scenes to make
the ride go that much easire. Bob Barcus, Loretta, Randall Downs, Joe
Kingsbury, Louise Kingsbury, Doug K, Bob Albert, Mark Kniebel did crossing
duty along with Bob Jacquim. Steve Hendrics worked in Grasselli tower
painting. Cory Bennett used the payloader to push over shallow rooted
trees down in the wye area an pile them up for burning later on.
Richard Warner made it an official Union Pacific day at HVRM, wearing his
new reflective jacket with a big UP emblem on the back. Flying high on the
flag pole was a yellow UP flag. Rumor has it Richard is going to paint his
house UP yellow with red stripes soon. Sparky spent a good part of the
day attempting to relieve Richard of his new jacket, but Richard locked it
up in his truck, so it would not disappear during the day.
Speaking of Richard, the UP tie tamper was deliever Thursday afternoon to
the museum. Les took a picture Friday an sent it to me that I used on the
report today. A couple of new batteries were required, as the others were
severely corroded. The engine started up on 3 turnovers an got it to move
up an down the track for a short distance. It is going to take a lot of learning
to be able to use it correctly. Already some help is on the way by a couple
of retired employes of NS who ran the tie tamper in years past. It is very
complete with new parts everywhere on the machine.For now it will sit
on the turn table track, until some room comes avail in the shop building.
The IC caboose has taken a couple of changes, no rubber flooring is available
anymore, so the floor is to be sanded down an revarnished till another
alternative is found to protect the floor.
Newsletters were in the kitchen car for members present, the rest will be mailed.
Stop by the kitchen car next weekend for coffee an cake for Cory's birthday this
coming week, and Les & Betty Beckmans 50th wedding anniversary.
Looking around the equipment revealed its pealing paint on a lot of freight
equipment. The years of cold winters an hot summers do a number on the
paint. Some cars need just wire brushing an more paint rolled on. Mike Koheler
was over working on his LIRR diesel this weekend replacing a few parts.
The GE diesel is still being worked on with part on order for the air line.
The dry weather has sparked a number of grass fires along the right of
way of the C&I. North of the Kankakee bridge, a grass fire managed to catch
8 ties on fire and will require them replaced before going to La Crosse
for the tourist train. A ever ongoing job that is never over, tie replacement.
The backhoe tractor is out of service till a couple of hydralic lines are replaced
from bursting last week down at the wye. Inspection of the payloader shed
need to be addressed soon, some structural damage is occuring due to
old age.
I hope everyone had a Happy Easter day. Drive safe, be safe an watch those
Amtrak trains while talking about safety on railroads.
Ross Robinson had knee surgery last week an should be recovering for a
couple of weeks at a care center, then home with a helper for a week or so,
then finally free of pain and able to walk again. He is anxious to start traveling
again this summer.
Tom Travis HVRM North Judson IN
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