Saturday, September 22, 2018

A blue September sky at HVRM 9/15/18


Membership/Business meeting scheduled for this morning cancelled due to lack of a quorum.  

Beautiful blue sky today with temps in the 80's.  I got the manlift out and tightened the balance of the bolts in the roof walk sections of Chicago & North Western box car # 284.  Not a hard job, but I kept waiting for some clouds to show up for some shade.  Didn't happen!  And it was hot up there!  Managed to get all of the bolts in and tightened except for one on each end which will have to be taken care of from the car ends.

Mark Knebel had to work today but earlier in the week, he had started in on NKP gondola # 45622.  Here is a shot of the results on one end of the car. 

Steve Henrichs was wire brushing some additional levers up in Grasselli Tower and by the end of the day, Steve had cleaned up three levers and painted them black.

The track crew of Cory Bennett, John La Orange, Dave Cook and Tom Rainford successfully put in some holes using the museums rail drill tied the two rails of the track leading into the west side of the shop together with a joint bar, as can be seen in the second photo.

Bob Barcus handled depot gift shop sales today while Charlene Gyurko was the ticket sales agent.  Since Charlene was in the depot, pizza was ordered for lunch.

Bjarne Henderson was the engineer on the G.E. diesel today while conductor John DeGan aided by student conductor Bob Gyurko.  Tom Travis and I handled attendant duties in Long Island coach 2937 and MKT open car # 13833 with Kevin Kennedy along on the first run.  Bob Jachim and Mike Healy handled flagman duties at the North Judson Mulberry Street crossing while Bob Albert took care of flagging the crossings out of town.  The first train scared up a coyote while the second train did the job on a young deer which was just developing its antlers.  The deer decided to race the train and cut across the tracks and was successful, but John and Bob said "just barely"!

Joe Kingsbury put a blue stripe on the Porter diesel and later in the day did some needlescaling on the unit.

Bob Albert used the table saw to cut some wood to size.

Supposed to stay warm until mid-week when cooler temps are scheduled to move in.  Have a great week everyone!



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