Sunday, August 5, 2018

Heated day at Hoosier Valley 8/4/18


Got up into the low 90's today at North Judson with sunshine all day. 

Despite the heat, the track gang continued hard at work on the West Lead Track into the shop building.   The ground was a little high at this point, and the first photo shows Cory Bennett in the backhoe pulling out two of the composite ties that had been set in place.  The other Gandy Dancers pictured left to right in the first photo are David Cook, John La Orange, Tom Rainford and Kevin Kennedy.  After the two ties were removed, Cory is shown in the second shot, backing the backhoe up and using its bucket to scrape a layer of dirt off.  This was done a number of times until the ground was lowered enough so that the ties could be shoved back in as shown in the 3rd photo.  About this time, the fourth pix shows John showing up with the Payloader, and another load of ties. 

About this time, the gang broke for pizza in lunch car # K-325.  Ray Kammer was a guest at lunch to discuss some other train possibilities with the members.  Interesting to say the least!

Nice passenger counts for both trains today.  John DeGan was at the throttle of Alco # 310 while Steve Henrichs was the conductor.  Joe Kingsbury was the car host and handled the P.A. system while Tom Travis collected tickets in MKT open air car #13833 while is was the collector in LIRR coach # 2937.  We also used the lift on EJ&E transfer caboose # 184 for one passenger.  A tour bus from Ft. Wayne provided most of the riders for the second train.   Kevin Kennedy provided the crossing protection for trains.

Seemed to be a good day in the depot where Bob Barcus handled the gift shop while Loretta Kosloske was the ticket agent. 

Mark Knebel had to work his rural mail route today, but did get to the museum earlier in the week to apply some additional lettering on one side of NKP baggage car # 344.  The BAGGAGE letters on one end are shown in the 5th shot while the AUTOMOBILE letters on the other end of the car are shown in the 6th photo.

Last Saturday, the weather was nice enough to enable me to do a bit of painting on the west end of Grasselli Tower's south side and the results from last week are shown in the final photo.  Bing Risley brought over a bucket load of crushed stone for Grasselli, but too hot and too late in the day to spread it out.  Next week!  

Well, the "Dog Days of Summer" are obviously here.  So hang in there everyone and enjoy your week!



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