Monday, July 23, 2018

Fw: Drizzle and a Spring day at Hoosier Valley 5/19/18


Greetings -

Drizzle and a bit of light rain was the order for the morning at HVRM today.  Precipitation finally ceased in the afternoon and it turned out to be a nice spring day after all.  At this time of the year, a light blue flower shows up along the right-of-way to greet train riders.  Finally got a shot of this wildflower (photo 1), but have no idea as to what it is called.  Any help is appreciated!

The boys in the Shop were working on repacking one of the brake cylinders on G.E. number 11.  John La Orange is shown working on it in the second photo shows while Cory Bennett and Tom Rainford are shown in the 3rd shot.  The work lasted into the afternoon and John and Cory are shown hard at it in the fourth photo.  This was a rough, dirty job.  Check the back of John's T shirt in this photo as compared to that same shirt in the second photo!  John reported the work was successful and number 11 is "ready for duty".

Mark Knebel has started his next painting project; Nickel Plate Road baggage car # 344.  He was done an cleaned off one end of the roof earlier this week, before rain made him cover that effort with the tarp shown in photo number 5.  He had to wait until the threat of rain was over before he could remove the tarp and start in on priming what he had cleaned. 

In addition to putting up various displays at the museum, Bob Albert also makes out the explanations for these exhibits.  Some time these explanations are simply a line long, but at other times, they are more involved.  One example of Bob's efforts is shown in the 6th photo.  He had a number of these made up, but since he was the conductor on the trains today, he wasn't going to have time to put them up.  Next week!

Speaking of the trains, in addition to Bob, Bjarne Henerson was the engineer for the day with yours truly and Bob Gyurko working as car hosts.  The 7th shot shows riders on the 12:30 train on MKT # 13833.  Bob Gyurko can be seen way back in LIRR coach # 2937, using the PA system he recently installed in that car.  The system allows the car host in the Long Island coach to talk to riders in both cars, as evidenced by the speakers that can be seen under the roof of the MKT open car.

Bob Barcus and Charlene Gyurko manned the depot ticket window and gift shop today.

I asked Bing Risley if he could drop off another load of stone for the lower entrance to Grasselli Tower today and Bing's efforts are shown in the 8th photo.  I grabbed a shovel and leveled the stone out.  The concrete slab shown in the edge of that photo, will eventually go onto the stone replacing the temporary concrete block. 

After the second train of the day, Bob Albert is show in the last photo, throwing the switch leading into Shop track 1 as the crew was getting ready to put Alco # 310 away for the day.  The photo was taken through one of the windows of Grasselli.

Have a great week everyone!


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