Saturday, August 19, 2017

Fix and pix at Hoosier Valley 8/19/17



Warm, sunny day in North Judson today.  Temp got up to at least 87 degrees!  Still, we had nice passenger turnouts for both runs to English Lake!

Started out today taking a shot (photo #1) of 250W where the old Erie Railroad (now museum track) crossed, just to the south of Indiana State Routes 10/39.  Our rail ends just a bit to the east (right in the photos) after crossing 250W.  Note the Erie North Judson bike trail.  The area just to the left in the photo, is where the museum Easter Egg and Pumpkin trains end up and Cory Bennett was cutting grass over there this morning.

You may recall that Tom Rainford and I (well, mostly Tom) recently put the missing stove pipe pipe in the Mulberry Street watchman's shanty.  The old pot bellied stove, still had parts missing and when I mentioned that to Bob Albert, he said he thought he knew where they might be.  He found them, and put them in the shanty where I found them this morning.  Decided to try to get these parts put on the stove.  Here's a photo (number 2) with the end of the stove pipe attached.  The "blotches" are where I washed the dirt off the top.  I quickly realized that, to get the broken rear top piece back on, I had to disconnect the entire stove pipe, which I did!   The broken section, and the cook lid, are shown in place in the 3rd shot, but unpainted.  I painted the various parts, put the stove pipe back on, then put the painted parts on and the results are shown in the 4th photo. 

Meanwhile, Bob Barcus was selling tickets in the depot today while Tami and Carmen handled gift shop and other depot duties.

Steve Henrichs was the engineer today while Bob Albert handled conductor duties.  Steve came up to Grasselli today before the first run (that's him with John LaOrange taking a photo in the 5th shot) and Steve suggested that we consider putting the old roll top desk up in Grasselli in place of the table that is currently in there.  Later I measured the desk and found it would fit!

Meanwhile, Mark Knebel, with help from Jason Ciatsko, was working on putting the template for the PC herald on the Penn Central box car (photos 6 and 7).  Mark had handled flagging duties on the first passenger train of the day, while Jason handled the second train.  Later in the afternoon, Mark was marking the outline of the herald on the car, preparatory to painting.

Joe Kingsbury and Rich Warner were working on the Porter diesel back in the West Annex of the Shop.

At the end of the day, I grabbed a ride in EL Alco # 310 with Steve and the 9th photo shows him as he pushed the passenger carrying equipment into the caboose track.

Finally, while riding with Steve in number 310, I noted how good the Erie searchlight signal still looked after Mark painted it last year.  Thought I would grab a shot to end the photo string.

Enjoy your upcoming week.  Use care with the Solar Eclipse coming up this Monday.  Do NOT look directly at the sun as it may cause permanent eye damage!  Use the correct glasses, or do as I am going to do, don't look at all! 



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