Greetings -
We had drizzle pretty much all night and into the morning but then the weather cleared up nicely. Temps under partly sunny skies was upper 70's in the morning warming to the low 80's in the afternoon. Over all, a nice September day!
Membership/business meeting at HVRM today. Nicely attended. Ageement between Town of North Judson and new operator apparently still not finalized. There was a discussion of the Erie North Judson Trail and the relation between the trail folks and the museum. A number of other items also brought up. More info in the upcoming museum newsletter.
Three guest engineers this morning, with all of the operations over museum trackage only! John DeGan was the engineer/instructor while Steve Henrichs was conductor. Engine was old reliable Alco S-1 # 310.
Margett Cook provided lunch today; chicken and noodle casserole.
Regular trains, again behind the 310, had Bob Albert as conductor with Steve acting as flagman out at the road crossings out of town. I flagged Mulberry Street for both runs. Station Agent Tami Shaw reported 55 riders for the 12:30 train while there were about 15 riders on the 2:00 train. Bob Barcus manned the gift shop today.
Matt Lasayko was at the museum today checking the various signal cabinets and spraying hornet nests (see photo 1) where necessary. Surprisingly, only about half of the cabinets had nests. This time of the year, these nests are all over! Be careful out there!
GE Interlake Steel diesel # 11 was fired up and run outside the Shop to verify that the water leakage issues had been fixed. Apparently they have! The second photo shows Sparky Byers (at left) and John La Orange (through door opening) sitting in the cab during the testing.
Tom Rainford reported that they had put ties down on the last third of Track number 3 in the West Annex of the Shop and were going to try to put the rail in place. The third photo taken just after lunch, shows Tom tightening a bolt in the joint bar after the first rail was set in place. Just before I left for home, I went back to look over progress and found that both rails had been spiked down (see photo 4). Concrete is next!
There are days where only one or two visitors might come up and look at Grasselli Tower. That was not the case today as visitors showed up on a regular basis. Some visitors might stay only a minute of two, but most of the ones today, stayed anywhere from 5 minutes on up to 15 minutes! Good questions, of which there were a number today, increase visitation time. The old tower is certainly an attraction, and a major HVRM asset.
Enjoy the upcoming week folks!
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