Still muggy today, but temps a bit more tolerable. Number of things got accomplished.
Two guest engineers this morning. Passenger train total for the 12:30 train looked very good, but a light load for 2:00 train.
I saw that Steve Henrichs was working up in Grasselli Tower, so I went up there. Steve needed help getting a couple of the levers moved back so he could paint another one, so we tried to figure out how to do it. After many attempts, we were finally successful! The first photo shows Steve finally starting to paint the lever. Gotta start at the bottom!
Steve had applied the Indiana Harbor Belt herald to the area above the lockers (see photos 2 and 3) earlier in the morning. This herald had come as a plaque on a piece of Masonite, and I had recently cut around it so it could be applied as shown. There's another IHB herald installed in the tower, but forgot to take a photo of it. Also note the photos of Grasselli that were recently put up on the wall. Steve nailed another one up today that Bob Albert had given him; this one showing the tower being put back together at North Judson.
Decided to go over to the shop, and on the way, I found the boys draining the fuel tank on the John Deere tractor. That's Dave Cook to the left in the fourth photo, with Tom Rainford holding the compressor hose into the tank. Apparently, some one had put lubricating oil into the tank by mistake. Note the hose into the white bucket with oil streaming out. Eventually, they were successful and with diesel added, they successfully moved the Deere!
Finally made it into the Shop and found the ties laid out for the next section of the north track in the West Annex (see photo 5). Later in the day, Cory Bennett used the front end loader to remove some additional dirt (photo 6) so that a couple of additional ties could be put in place. That's Dave directing Cory's efforts. And then in photo 7, Cory is shown driving a spike home with the spike jack which is powered by the air compressor. John LaOrange is at left, then Dave, Jason Ciastko applying muscle on a spike puller to keep the tie tight and Mark Knebel off to the right dropping spikes for additional tie work down the line. Cory advised later that both rails were spiked down and ready to move on to the next step.
Finally, back to Grasselli where I gave Steve a little bit of help in putting the trim on one part of the chimney brick. The eighth photo shows Steve doing a bit of trimming. We needed some concave trim and I went over to Norwayne Lumber and Jim Mennis found a couple of nice pieces for the project. The last photo, though a bit blurry, shows Steve putting those pieces in place.
Joe Kinsbury continued working in the C&EI tool car.
Train crew consisted of Andy Hershman as conductor, Doug Kosloske as engineer and Bjarne Henderson as student engineer.
Bob Jachim and myself, flagged at the Mulberry Street crossing for various trains with Bjarne doing rural road flagman duties for the guest engineers and Tom Travis the same for the regular passenger runs.
Randall Downs and Tom Rainford were car hosts.
Bob Barcus was in the gift shop today with Tammy Ciastko doing a great job as the ticket agent in the depot.
Have a good week everyone.
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