Saturday, March 19, 2016

Meetings and work at Hoosier Valley 3/19/16


A coolish day at HVRM today.  Not much sun and temps in the 40's.  The Board meeting, delayed from last week, was held at 8:00 this morning.  Then the regular bi-monthly Membership/Business meeting was held at 1:00 p.m.  Even with two meetings, we still managed to get things done today!

After the Board meeting, EL Alco #310 was fired up and a crew consisting of Doug Kosloske and Steve Henrichs came over to check out the equipment that is scheduled to be used next Saturday for the three Easter trains, which Loretta Kosloske advised, where virtually sold out! 

Dale Abbott was already hard at work repairing the center plate on the open car, MKT #13833.  The first photo shows Dale at work.  This was an all day job as Dale was still at it at 4:00 p.m. when I headed for home! 

The second photo shows Joe Baker working on another light fixture in the old Shop building.

Good to see Todd Flanigan at the museum today.

While the Erie Lackawanna Alco was being used today for the equipment check, another maintenance crew was hard at work on Interlake GE number 11.  Crew consisted of Rich Warner, Tom Rainford, John La Orange and Cory Bennett, with other members contributing at times during the day.

Tom Travis, Kevin Kennedy and I went down the rest stop area at State Route 10 and CR250W and cleaned up some downed branches and the third photo shows Tom carrying some of these branches over to a large pile.  We also grabbed a bag of trash for disposal over at the museum.

Bob Albert continued his work in Illinois Central display caboose #9914.  The next photo shows one of the recent conditions.  This is a Hiawatha emblem off of a Pullman car and is now in on of the display cabinets.  Bob is attempting to determine if marking on the back of this aluminum emblem might indicate that it might have been on a Pullman car named Lake Keechelus.  Time will tell!

Margett Cook had corned beef and cabbage for lunch for the HVRM crew today.

Mark Knebel has spent much of his time over the last six weeks or so, cutting brush along the right-of-way toward English Lake.  Today, he burned a couple of those resulting brush piles.  There are still quite a few though, left to be burned.

Joe Kingsbury and Bud Tibbie continued working in C&EI tool car #A-1054.  The fifth photo shows Bud at work.

Last week, a bad cold kept me at home and at that time, Steve Henrichs installed the new brick work on the second floor of Grasselli Tower.  His excellent handiwork is shown in the last two photos.

Enjoy the upcoming week everyone!  Spring officially arrives tomorrow and hopefully the weather will agree with the calendar!  Also, this is the spring break time of the year and different schools have their breaks at different times, but let's remember to use a bit of extra caution when driving in the upcoming days. 



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