Sunday, November 9, 2014

End of Season at HVRM 11-15-2014

Greetings to all,
End of a successful train season, with Christmas trains in December still gaining
riders, it has been a long season. Many thanks to all involved in making this happen.
From traincrews to depot workers, all deserve a pat on the back for a job well done.
Saturday dawned cold an dreary, perfect time  for some track work, but more on that
later. Board meeting started at 8 am in the depot with a wide range of topics, but
nothing really to report on. Immediately after the meeting the Erie 310 was started
for some final switching of the season. The 2789 tender was uncoupled an pulled outdoors
to spend the duration of winter, needed to make room for the tie tamper. GE 11 was pulled
outside an the tie tamper was started to move over to the 2789 track. With that completed,
the 310 pushed #11 back inside an pushed the tool car past the winter curtain to the
backshop. GE 11 was spotted over the pit an 310 was uncoupled an pulled forward
a couple of feet, shut down an the water drained from the coolant system.
A number of leftover new ties were brought down to the connector track to the C&I
switch. These ties were not used in crossing replacement an Cory had marked some
ties needed for replacement. 10 ties were inserted into the line an spiked. 3 ties were
straightened, not needing replacing. It seems only like yesterday when these ties
were put down, 132 pound rail put for car storage. Time goes fast when you
get older. New clean ballast was brought down an dumped for tamping later.
Joe Baker did some electrical work for outside lighting. Cameras will be purchased
to view the storage areas for theft of steel soon. Scrap metal will soon be put into
dumpster for recycling. Joe Kingsbury returned the welder from getting it fixed, an
started on welding in  the tool car's floor. Les & Betty Beckman during the
past week did painting on his passenger  car. Les is in New Orleans this week working
on  Habitat for Humanity housing. Rode the City of New Orleans down an will return
the same way next weekend. Have a good trip. Steve Newland put up the bathroom
walls in Grasselli tower, an put a non-working toilet in for display. Bob Jacqim took
items out of the china cabinet for transfer to the new cabinet.
I left early, was getting cold outside. Not much else new around HVRM. Membership
meeting next Saturday at 1pm Central time in the depot.
Tom Travis

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