Sunday, November 3, 2013

ND&W 5332 Progress

Just an update on Notre Dame & Western 5332, Porter diesel, donation to HVRM.
Notre Dame University has selected HVRM to donate it 44 ton diesel locomotive
to HVRM as of last week. A group went over to take off items on the diesel, B&O
steam whistle, used as a air horn. Bell taken off aft end of diesel that came from
Illinois Central, Pacific type engine, 1115. Standard bell put on by Porter locomotive
company. Four marker lamps around the cab area, including a box of lenses
for the marker lamps. Four rerailers on each corner of the frame.
ND&W 5332, loco number was selected by a priest who was in charge of power
plant at Notre Dame. His father was an enginner on the NYC who drove steam
engine 5332 during his career of employment.
At HVRM 11-2-2013, work was being done for unloading platform of the diesel.
Ties and rail were laid out from the roundhouse lead to the empty field area
on the west side of the museum. Spiking commenced, but cut short by rain.
Rails were set up on #3 track to torch angles into ends of rails for loading an
unloading. Sticks or rail were cut for proper lenght of trailer. Rails will be set on
drop trailer with threaded rods to separte them for standard guage between rails.
A heavy duty (12) axles semi and trailer for transport of Porter diesel. A towing
rig will be used at Notre Dame to winch diesel onto the drop trailer.
No time frame (dates) for transportion is scheduled at this time.- 

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