Sunday, October 20, 2013

Record Crowd at Pumpkin Patch 10-19-2013

Greetings to all,
Great day at the ole Pumpkin Patch. Just a bit on the cool side for riding in the
open air car, but many people did with many blankets wrapped around them.
Packed passenger car, with overflow to the Erie C345 bay window caboose.
Over 430 people rode the trains, with what I think about 300 pumpkins were
sold. One of the best turnouts in a long time.
First train was sort of late getting to platform to load passengers. Doug was
training a couple of conductor trainees, an it resulted in lots of people on the
platform cold and lots of figgety kiddos. But once loaded, everyone got settled
down for pumpkins.
Fred was in the shop working on the IC caboose cupola, found some more
rust that needed to be taken care of. Worked on the caboose till called to be
engineer for the final run of the day. 
Steve Newland worked on Grasselli tower windows, in between helping Richard
with the pumpkins at the SR 10 pumpkin patch.
The back hoe tractor transmission has been reinstalled, an Richard spent some
time this past week tightening up bolts, so its almost ready to run, put in oil and
some other things need to be done.
Bob an Loretta manned the gift shop, John LaOrange was engineer for two runs,
Fred for the final run of the day, an Doug was conductor. Everyone who was there
kept busy all day. Joe was in the passenger car, Randall an Matt on the open air
car, and myself in the Erie C345. The local VFW provided lunch for many hungry
Thats about it for this week, getting light later each day, dark earlier each night,
weather next week wil be cold and possible snow flakes. Too early for that
new. Drive safe everyone

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