Sunday, July 14, 2013

Hobo Day Activities 7/13/13

Greetings to all,
Wonderful day at HVRM today, Nice temps, fluffy clouds made the sun more
bearable to be outside. Lots of mowing grass around the museum grounds
made the grounds look good. 
A large tent was erected, along with tables and chairs for serving the "Hobo Stew'.
A large school bus showed up with a load of anxious kids to ride the train. Good
turnout for the first run of the  day. After the ride, lots of people went over to taste
the stew. Must of been good and plenty of it.
The troop sleeper car was pulled outside and put on track 3, as to not get hydralic
fluid on it. Cory and Dave took all the lines loose on the back hoe to blow out the
water in the lines. At one time someone must of mistaken the hydralic oil tank
as being the radiator and filled the tank with water. All went well and the system
is now water free. Richard got some hydralic fluid that absorbs water in the sytem
an should take care of any problems from now on. While raising an lowering the
bucket, a oil line broke. It was quickly taken off an taken down to Skip's garage
and replaced with new line. Everything now seems to run somewhat better, and the
real test will be next week installing ties on the Erie line.
The C&EI tool car will have its floor stripped out, left outside till its done to prevent
filling up the building with charcoal remants. The holes will be fixed and then a new
floor will be put down. Insulation installed, windows installed, door rebuilts and most
likely electric lights an outlets installed, a long project ahead for restoration. The car
when completed will be a dining eating facility next to the NKP kitchen car.
Talk of finally putting concrete down in the west shop is nearing reality. Maybe soon.
The IC yellow caboose in now in the middle shop awaiting some sanding on the out
side of the bondo and repainting of the car. Windows are being built an installed
in the cupola by Doug. Some sort of sliding curtain to be rigged up for the entrance
to the west shop building, between the middle an west shop area, to keep the
heat inside in winter.
The display track is now ready for equipment. Starting at the west end, IC caboose,
Troop sleeping car, IC Metra car and then the Model 40, if room, the Whitcomb
I worked on grinding an priming the PRR flat car. About 3/4's done. The weather was
cool an I got a lot done. Dirty dirty dirty work with the grinder. Les continued during
the week to finish up his passenger car with paint on the east end. A very large (tall)
ladder was needed to reach the upper areas. I got Cory to move some steel cabinets
up too close to the south side flat car , preventing getting close to it. Also moved
was a large payloader tire beside the REA trailer to the north 40. BTW, Bing is getting
tired of getting donations of used tires, we cannot get rid of them either, please
do not bring them to HVRM. Same goes for used motor oil, no need for it. Donations
of well worn equipment shows up at the shop door also, fix it up before bringing it
down to the museum area, so people don't have to spend hours of time fixing it up.
Mark,during the week, has spiked about 25 ties on the Erie line, lots of hard work
by himself. Bruce Fingerhut has mowed many miles of trail during the week also.
July 30, 31 is road crossing repair, ties replaced an ballast put in also, please
come out an lend a hand, as many people as possible make the job go faster.
The English lake crossing an Toto road crossing will be replaced, with paving done
on August 1st. A grant application has been submitted to the state for replacing the
Mulberry street crossing also.
Everyone have a good week. Next Saturday will be general membership meeting,
please try an attend. A card will be there to sign for Dan Siple who had heart
surgery this past week. Get well soon Dan. Meeting most likely will be at 8am in
the depot at HVRM.
Tom Travis

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