Greetings - Arrived a bit late today as my daughter and family were visiting from Wisconsin. Temps in the 60's all day and no sun at all. Still, a good day. Tom Travis and I had been at the museum on Friday, May 24th, finishing the painting of the north roof on passenger coach # 899 which had been interupted by cold weather back in December of last year. Mark Knebel, Tom Tittle and Bing Risley were also on hand with Mark and Bing doing some trackwork prep. In the afternoon, a Chesapeake & Indiana freight train showed up with a number of rotary gondolas which the museum is going to store for the owner. Not sure how many arrived; perhaps about 20. The CKIN stuck them over on the interchange track. Tom arrived earlier today and was already working on C&EI # A-1054. This is the car that had a fire a while back leaving the car sides with blistered paint and a number of spots with heavy rust. Tom had his grinder out and was hard at work with the wire wheel. When he went to lunch, I took over the grinding. Decided to get out the big ladder from the Shop and start in on rust areas near the top of the car. When Tom returned, we decided that we needed to get the cleaned areas painted in primer otherwise any moisture would quickly bring the rust back. So I went looking for Mark Knebel and he gave me some primer paint. I told him we could get more done if we had another grinder and he got out the museums Makita for me to use. Tom said that when he arrived this morning, the museums operating crew was pushing the storage rotary gons down to the end of the museums former Erie trackage. They then made up the museum train for the day. Crew consisted of John LaOrange as engineer, Fred Boyer as conductor and Steve Henrichs as student conductor. Tom McKee also sat in as fireman on the passenger runs. Other activities today included Joe Baker wire wheeling the radiators in the second floor of Grasselli Tower. Some have been painted. Crew working on the Pullman Troop Sleeper included Eagle Scout Lars Henderson assisted by Bjarne Henderson, Ed Wood and Mark Banfy. They were sanding down the previously painted car sides to smooth out nicks and brush marks. More Scouts were due to come down on Sunday to help out. Joe Kingsbury was cutting grass all day. In the afternoon, a track crew worked on putting in ties on the display track. Looks like about 20-25 were put in place. Not sure of the train count, but it looked pretty good. We also had a Guest Engineer today. Enjoy your holiday weekend everyone. This Memorial Day, let's not forget all of those who made the supreme sacrifice in service of their country and remember all of those who have served through our long history to help protect our Freedom. Les |
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