Saturday, April 13, 2013

April 13th, Not A Spring Day At HVRM

Today was not what to expect for April 13th, rain, mist, wind, snow, clouds.
It made for outside work to be tough an just plain cold. Never made it above 40
degrees, not exactly golf weather.
Board meeting started at 8am sharp in the depot. Reports given and everything
is fine. Some items brought up were, putting screen doors on the B&LE 1989
was approved, using the South Shore reel car for the crane operations, changes
on the tourist train consist for the upcoming season.
After the board meeting, me an Les went to breakfast down at Fingerhut Bakery,
as neither of us had  eaten breakfast. Les had to return home to change cars,
his older van was making funny noises, so he was late arriving at HVRM.
Returning to the museum, the track crew, Cory, John, Dave, Mark were all working
on a switch putting down ballast an tamping same. I changed clothes and went
down to help. Felt good to get back into doing some track work again. Some ties
had been changed out last week an ballast needed to be added. Broke for lunch,
and returned. Worked till about 2pm and that was it for the day, too cold, windy and
sore muscles.
Bob was manning the gift shop. Richard and Steve were working on the G guage
depot railway, finishing up small details. Impressive sound and seeing the trains
on the trestle  in the operators bay is something else.
The car restoration crews were busy working on the troop  car and IC caboose in
the west shop. Making good progress on both cars.
A welcome visitor today from Lafayette, Harold showed up. He was in good shape
and had a couple of stories from olden days were told. Elmer looking good today
also. Diane an Margret put on a good lunch for the troops today.
After track work stopped, I stayed down at the depot trying to warm up some. Mark,
Cory, Dave all went down to the wye area looking for boundry stakes, which they did
find some that were buried beneath the leaves.
While waiting in the depot, I decided to look in the photo books, found a picture
shot at Wellsboro IN, Oct 29th 1966 by Harry Zillmer with the depot, and B&O
eastbound train #10. Two people in the picture, one I believe is station agent
Alvin Bishop and yours truley standing in the doorway. This would of been my
senior year in high school, a Sunday waiting for GTW 5629 4-6-2 passenger train
to either South Bend or Kalamazoo MI. Its only been 40 years ago, but with a magnifying glass, I look somewhat younger and thinner. I spent considerable time
down at Wellsboro in my younger day. Even with knowing morse code from my
amateur radio hobby, I could never grasp the morse sent by Bish for OS of trains
passing either on the B&O or GTW.
Everyone have a good week, warmer weather is on the way....
Tom Travis 

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