Greetings! A disclaimer; this very unofficial report is sent out to HVRM members who are not at the museum and to a few other folks who have shown an interest. Anyone can opt to not receive any future reports by sending a simple note to the undersigned at the e-mail address shown. Nice today with temp estimated about 80 degrees and sunshine almost all day. Arrived at HVRM at 8:00 a.m. for the bi-monthly membership meeting. Items of interest included the membership approving the purchase of over 100 wood switch ties. Our switch ties (most of which were put in place already in a used condition) are greatly in need of replacement. Also approved was welding and repair of switch points and the purchase of a small segment of property adjoining the museum. Details forthcoming in the upcoming newsletter. After the meeting, Mark Knebel asked me if I could flag road crossings for the 11:00 and 1:30 p.m. trains. The crossings involved are Arlington Street in North Judson, then CR 500 South, CR 400 South, English Lake Road, Toto Road and CR 650 West. This last road is located just before the crossing of the Kankakee River. Bob Jachim flagged the Mulberry Street crossing located just to the west of the depot. I spent the day (taking time out to do the flagging described above), applying putty to the arch windows on the north side of coach 899 and also some wood filler to various regular windows on that side. Cory Bennett, John LaOrange, Dave Cook and Mark, continued putting in new ties on the old Erie in the vicinity of the interchange switch. Joe Baker and Steve Henrichs continued working on Grasselli Tower. Matt Lasayko was working on moving signal parts from NKP flat car #2733 into the Signal Department boxcar. Trains today were handled by Fred Boyer and Doug Kosloske with Randall Downs and Joe Kingsbury as car hosts. No sign yet of the covered hoppers that are supposedly coming in for storage on museum trackage. Have a good week folks! Les |
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