Sunday, November 6, 2011

Falling back to a great fall day at HVRM 11/5/11

A beautiful fall day; sunny with temps in the 50's.
Started the day by attending a Board meeting.  Much discussed.  Details forthcoming in the upcoming newsletter.
Bob Jachim continued to work on cleaning up the flower beds, the plants now mostly dormant.  The front bed near the sign for the museum just off of Mulberry Street had really become overgrown, and Bob has pretty much taken care of that situation.  He wants to make that bed smaller.
Track crew of Dave Cook, Cory Bennett, Mark Knebel and John LaOrange busy again working on the east switch near Main Street.  They had 4 old ties jerked out by lunch and new ties installed.  Not sure what the final count was for the day.
Joe Kingsbury continued work on NKP # 471, the bay window caboose.  Had some help today from Ryan Kertis and a number of other folks including some young men who may have been a Scout troop.  Car is really starting to look good!
There were two Guest Engineers at the museum today and Alco 310 pulled the NKP open flat car # 1946 and EL caboose # C345.   Later in the day, the crew moved some equipment around including pulling C&NW box car # 284 out of the shop.
I worked on patching some of the vinyl over the windows of the heavyweight passenger car in the morning then spent the afternoon in a fruitless attempt to repair the "Rube Goldberg" switch marker on the turnout leading to track 2 of the Shop.  Frustrating!
Don't forget to set your clocks back, if you haven't already done it.  Remember; Spring Forward, Fall Back!   Have a terrific week!

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