Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pumkin Trains at HVRM on a WONDERFUL DAY 8 OCT 2011

Greetings to all Pumpkin Pickers
A great day Saturday 8 October was had by all at HVRM. Loretta confirmed that over 400
riders on the pumpkin trains and 275 pumpkins sold. Temps in the upper 70's, clear
blue skies, a perfect fall day. The local farmers were busy havesting corn and beans
up and down the C&I line.
Arriving at 8am, John LaOrange had the Erie 310 running an on the move. He moved
on down track 1 and hooked up to the NKP open air car, moving it to track 3. Cory and Dave
were ready with an air jack to lift the car up and change out the broken spring a truck.
Making quick work of lifting the weight off the truck, a track jack was positioned with a
steel rail joiner to lift the bolster taking the weight off the springs. A quick exchange
of springs and the jacks removed the car was set down on the bolster.  It had moved
slightly, but a nudge got the center pin lined up and centered. NKP open air car back in
service for the pumpkin trains and it was filled to capacity on the first run.
I missed the board meeting, but was short.
Joe Kingsbury has scaffolding set up in the west shop on both sides of the NKP bay window
caboose. It looks as if the roof has been cleaned of old flaking paint and a fresh coat
of primer and black paint has been put down. Sides of the car have been sanded and getting
ready for paint. Joe will make quick work on this project.
I moved to the the REA trailer and setup my scaffolding. Getting set up was quick and
grinding commenced on the sides. . After a quick cleanup of prior work, primer was
applied quickly. Things moved quickly and I completed the south side and moved to the
north side. Running out of paint, break time for lunch and resupply of a gallon of primer.
I finished up at approx 2:30 and broke down for departure. Had to be home by 3:30pm
for a sports school charter.
On the way out, I made a quick trip to the east end, where the track crew gang was busy
cleaning up the paving project of the C&I crossing on main street, hauling away debris
and getting the shoulders filled. A super paving job was done last week and now makes
the crossing smooth as glass. Next weekend Arlington Street crossing will be taken
apart for paving the following Monday.
Mark Kniebel has been working on the soon to be PRR boxcar during the week, and the
manlift was positioned at the west end of the car about 1/3 done.
Mostly everyone was helping with the Pumpkin trains, so no other work was performed
on Saturday.

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