Sunday, January 9, 2011

Saturday HVRM 1-8-2011 Typical January Day-Cold

Greetings to All
Hope that everyone had a good holiday season between snow and cold. I was gone
for 18 days to Ottawa Ontario for the holidays. On 27 Dec 2010, Maureens mother
passed away. She was 83 and had some medical issues. Only last night did we learn
that Maureen's Uncle Sandy passed away in Washington DC. He was 85 and had served
in the US Navy for 30 years and US postal employee and retired after many years. We
are hoping that his remains will be buried in Arlington Cemetery Washington DC.
A cold start to Saturday morning with heavy lake effect snow in La Porte and St Joe
counties. Total for South Bend was some 25 inches and has shut the city down till
roads are cleared. South of US 30 it was blue sky and blowing snow. Cold temps.
First agenda was breakfast at Fingerhut Bakery with the Starke County ARC group.
Good to see everyone again after almost a month since the Christmas party at the
Wooden Nickel in Dec. Next was board meeting at HVRM. Hightlights, Ft Wayne  
group NKP 765 will return in late May, early June and Fathers day weekend for
steam excursions. Many details to follow, watch for news on HVRM website with
I think a new look for the web. NKP 765 will go on to the Train Fest for July festival.
BTW, Trains magazine did a nice article on NKP 765 and HVRM, 8 pages long in a
recent issue from the spring of 2009. Wabash cantilever signal will be arriving soon.
Doug and Ron are gearing up for the RPO car move from MRM sometime soon.
January 15 is HVRM election day, 1 pm at the North Judson Library. Up for election is
VP, Secretary, Director of Grounds an Buildings. Over the last couple of weeks, a CASE
backhoe was purchased for track work. It is inside the west shop getting some
new bushings and pins for the hydraulic rams. Overall condition is good, tires have
thread, if only Cory and John can keep the spikes out them. Malden C&I buildings will
be tore down soon. Anyone interested in saving or moving the buildings, contact
Mark or Jason. Monterey IN Erie depot will be tore down if not removed.  Some good announcements will take place for 2011 train operations. Meeting over about 11 am.
John and Bob were busy trying to get a broken spoke wheel off a baggage cart, unsuccessful
as the nut was crossthreaded and would not turn. Bob busy hauling kerosene cans to
fill up the stove tank in kitchen car. Joe/Doug  have completed wood deck work on the CSS
open air car. Wired wheeled and primed steel. Sides of car will be painted in yellow paint,
with black lettering with HVRM logo.  Temp in west shop was 20 degrees and had risen
to 25 with the salamander heater turned on. Still cold. Jason/Andy fabricated some new
cut levers for I think the LIRR car?. Elmer/Doug/Bill D.removed  air valves on Erie 310
to be sent out for testing. Steve sanded wood for creostote markings removal. Not much
outside work being done.
Les got his marker bracket for the passenger car that needs replacing from Ross Robinson
had made in the foundry at Renfrew ONT. Brought back from Ottawa when I returned.
Did not stay as it was too cold for me, my feet freeze up, clear skys till north of US30,
then heavy lake effect snow. Tough driving thru the blowing snow.
Remember meeting 15 January 1 PM.

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