Saturday, March 18, 2017
Nippy day at Hoosier Valley 3/18/17
Sunday, March 12, 2017
HVRM 3/11/17 Short Report
Fellow HVRM Members
Day started out clear & cold, 18 degrees. Snow due in after midnite Sunday/Monday.
Up to possibly 4 inches.
Good amount of people at the board meeting at 8am. Joe Kingsbury reported that
the outside is being prepped for paint. Kevin Kennedy & Bjarne Henderson were
working on the side of the new lunch car an roof area, noted in the picture.
Kevin is on the man lift.
John LaOrange made a report that the reefer shed is falling apart an will need
residing soon. Outside reefer doors will fall out if opened. The sliding doors need
to be put back on track, as they are off an bottom is on the ground, causing doors
to bow. Either metal sheeting or other outside material is needed to cover the
Loretta reported the guest engineer program is down to 12 for the upcoming
season. Easter trains are fast approaching also, tickets are on sale. Mothers day
trains are on sale also.
Next Saturday at 1pm is a general membership meeting in the depot. Please attend
for update on rail road rides this summer.
Alan Jones & wife, from the Heart of Dixie museum showed for a tour of the
museum & facilities. Les Beckman & Bob Barcus conducted the tour Bill Houston
who is a very active member at HOD, is suffering from a brain tumor, an is unable to
write HOD's news letter. Get well soon Bill.
Cory B, John L, Doug & Loretta K, Bob A, Bob B, Bob J, David & Margret, David K, Bjarne H,
Joe K, Les B, Tom T, Tom R, an couple of others I missed rounded out the members present.
Margret made lunch for the crew, but 3/25, no lunch will be served in the kitchen car,
cept if pizza or chicken from Wooden Nickle is bought by someone.
Not much else going on. Have a safe week.
Tom Travis
Saturday, March 4, 2017
Short museum report on a cold March 4, 2017