Spring took a step back today at the museum with a high of 47 degrees and rain just about all day! Good day to work inside, if you could do it!
Went back behind the Shop to look at the B&O color position light signal installed there to see how the brackets we got with the GM&O CPL signal head are attached. Looks like the brackets we have will work!
Steve Henrichs was painting levers in Grasselli Tower and the results at the end of the day are shown in the first photo. Some levers painted blue, some green, some red, some black and even a white/black combination! I counted 11 levers painted. Well done Steve!
Speaking of painting, Mark Knebel painted one of the storage tanks orange earlier in the week. Looks great, but raining too hard for me to get a decent photo. Meanwhile, Mark cleaned out the train cars for an upcoming special trip for school kids this coming Friday. Always looking for help on these special run days!
John LaOrange and Tom Rainford put rust inhibitor in the Erie S1 Alco.
The second photo shows Joe Baker taking some measurements for electrical work on C&EI tool car #A-1054. Bud Tibbie helped him out with this project.
I noticed that someone had been fooling around with one of the train number boards on ex-Metra/ex-IC Highliner #1502. One of the boards had a correct train number (754) showing, but the other number board was all screwed up. I decided to correct it. Simple project that turned out to be more involved than I had thought. I first noticed that the chain and lock on the front platform end of 1502 was missing, meaning that anyone had access to the car. The "jumbled" number board was in the motorman's (engineers) compartment, which WAS locked. There is a special key for this and Mark told me that there were some of those keys hanging over his desk in his office. Walked over, got them, tried them, none worked! Put them back. Talked to Mark again and he said there might be another key in the drawer in his desk. Walked back over there, found said key, tried it, success! Took a while to twist the number strips around, including a number of walks down to the ground, back up to the motorman's compartment, etc. Finally got the second number board set up for train 754 as the third photo (taken from the platform of GTW transfer caboose #75072) will attest. Locked the motorman's compartment up again. Hopefully no one will fool around with these numbers in the foreseeable future! Then started looking for a short chain and lock to secure #1502 again against unlawful entry. Mark found a new lock to use, but then I had to find a suitable chain. I searched a couple of buildings before I found a chain from the Shop that would work. A bit of driving and more walking, all in the light rain that was falling all day, but the job finally got done! So much for helping Steve Henrichs up in the tower with the lever painting!
Margrett Cook prepared an "Italian" lunch, including pasta and pizza.
After lunch, Cory Bennett and others, worked on the Tamper.
John DeGan spent the day working on cleaning up the mess that was between Track 1 and the south wall of the East Annex part of the Shop building. By the end of the day, this area was greatly improved. The fourth photo shows John and this much improved area. For some time we had talked about getting this done, but Mr. DeGan actually DID it! Well done John!
Had to take off a bit early this afternoon due to a family commitment. Hopefully it stopped raining later in the day, but my guess is that it did not. Some spring days are like that!
Have a good week folks!