With a major snowstorm due into the area as we move into February, the weather was still nice at Hoosier Valley today. And there
were a number of things going on.
Tom Travis arrived at the museum today to find John LaOrange in the process of doing the COT&S on Erie Lackawanna Alco # 310.
Naturally Tom offered to give John a hand with all four of the brake valves. The first 2 photos attached to this report, show some of
the work that went on in this effort. This was a job that pretty much took all day.
I arrived shortly after Tom and went up to check on Steve Henrichs to see what he was doing in Grasselli Tower. Soon ended up
going over to Hoppe's Hardware in town to get a piece of 1" pipe, that was 6" long. It took a while to get that piece into its proper place.
Then Steve needed to turn the main pipe slightly and didn't have a pipe wrench big enough to do it, so walked over to the Shop building
where I found the one that Steve is using in the third photo. This part of the effort is now finished. Two more sections to go!
Bob Albert was working on repairs to one of our portable steel steps and the fourth photo shows him cutting a section of steel to make
a new angle piece for the repair work.
Dave Cooks grandson is shown in the last photo doing some grinding on C&EI tool car # A-1054 preparatory to welding a plate onto
the old ventilation windows. In the meantime, Fred Boyer was cleaning rust side sections of the car. I did some grinding on one of the
previously welded ventilation windows that Cory Bennett had done.
Joe Kingsbury continued his efforts in tracing the mangled wiring in ND&W Porter diesel #5332.
Doug Kosloske manned the gift shop in the depot today in the absence of Bob Barcus. Loretta arrived after lunch, and took that job over.
Others at the museum today included Bob Jachim (who as usual, made the morning pot of coffee), Mark Knebel, Joe Baker, Dave Cook.
Margrett Cook provided lunch in the NKP kitchen car.
As usual, we had some visitors come by. We are always open on Saturdays (except major holidays) and always enjoy having visitors
stop in and see us.
Have a good week and keep the snow shovels handy! Winter is quite done with us yet!