Monday, July 26, 2010

The GWILI's 1144 on it's last Public service in BR Black livery 23/07/2010
PDC is picking up steam and officials with the heritage railway are hoping it remains on track in 201. Nearly 10,000 visitors purchased tickets for the historic steam engine last year. That followed a 2008 season that saw
a huge surge in ridership, including 13,621 riders for 2 week period during a promotion featuring Thomas the Tank  Engine. Those totals are in stark contrast numbers prior to 2008 when annual ridership dipped as
low as 6,000.
The  recent turnaround coincided with a shift in the way it is marketed. Organizers began promoting it as unique
entertainment venue and offering special events such as murder mysteries and Halloween rides.The challenge
now is to keep that mementum going and ensure the organization remains on track for years to come.
For more info visit
Gimmicks are the answer, steam, special events, momentum.
Indiana Boxcar Corp has purchased EJE SD18 616 and
EJE SD-M 804, 809, 811, 813 and 818. I guess SD-M's
are the SD9's Donny spoke about. Only 2 SD9's are
coming to the C&I, the rest to other IBC rail lines.

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Restoration 7-19-2010/CKIN NEWS

I reinstalled the rain awnings over the windows of the
GTW 75072. They were caulked and should not leak.
The wood frames need to be reevaluated. Need a better
system to hold the plexiglass in the frame.
I had an idea to utilize the free workers on saturdays.
Mark has completed priming of the N&W boxcar and final
coat of red should be applied soon. The area could be
used to TSP a couple of pieces of equipment. MDT reefer, PRR flat car. A water supply is near, access with
the manlift if easy. I also thought the manlift could be
rigged with pipes overhead and tarp put on to keep
the platform cool. It might make working on the lift
less tiring from the sun.
On the way back home, I stopped off at Wellsboro.
A CKIN engine was at the elevator running, so I went
over to the diamonds to check and 2 CSX engines running light crossed over from 1 to 2 and then back
west to pick up the empty grain train. Donny and crew
was at the elevator waiting. A new siding will go in at
Wellsboro for tank car unloading. CN/CSX is going to put in an interchange track to run in on to Kirk
yard where a intermodal facility is going to be built.
At Thomaston interchange with NS, complete trains with NS diesels to remain at Thomaston till the grain train
is loaded and returned, so a NS crew will just have to
show up and ready the train and leave. CKIN has
acquired 2 xEJ&E SD-9's that will be arriving shortly
at Wellsboro. They need some work, as they have been
retired for about a year. A rebuild of the wood bridge
will happen sometime soon. Tie replacement will start soon also.

The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. Get busy.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

HVRM Restoration Report 17 July 2010

Greetings to all. Warm day at North Judson, over 90. Clear sky for the most part. Some humidity, but not real
After breakfast at Fingerhut, meeting of the local hams,
with Jim Liedkey WA9JMU from New Mexico. Former resident of La Crosse IN, gave up the good life and moved to the land of rocks and cactus for front lawns.
1. Cory B was on buildings 1&2 at the gap fixing the leaks in the roof. Arrived at 6am, but by 10am had to stop due to heat. Cory has got a sealant for the overlapping seams of the tin sheets, but taking out the screws to put the sealant tape in between. Very difficult work on a slippery roof.
2. REA EXPRESS trailer had a message spray painted on
"Drink Blatz Beer" A popular beer years ago, very appropriate for that period. More grinding, more painting, progress was made. I did grind off one section
of the side REA signage. Am going to us some NU Finish
polish to see if it will shine up. Discovered that pop rivets were used, no bolts thru the wall.
3. Membership meeting at 12:30. Mark K has completed
grinding and priming N&W boxcar. A small area of the
final coat was put on, looked good.
4. GE Loco, Jason A gave a report that windows to be
installed on the 21st of July, 29th some electrical work,
blue card, horn tested, waiver to use the engine . Installation of new rods for couplers were being fabricated today. Oil needs to be changed, 2 barrels worth, filters, and some other things. ALCO prime
mover and generator are coming from Pontiac IL for spare parts. Engine to be stripped and the block left for
scrapping instead of hauling it all the way back to NJ.
5. Grasseli Tower. Some painting, 2 windows are out and being sent to be rebuilt. Steve is a one man operation, lets see if we can get a local carpenter to
help get the stairs done. I know of a couple who in 4 hours could complete a lot. Most charge resonable rates per hour. Some help with the payloader to move the
turntable equipment, to get at the south side and west
side to fix some areas not accesable by the manlift.
6. GTW 75072. Some problems still exist that were not
taken care of during its time in the shop. Just ran out of
time to fix it all. Last saturday an afternoon shower came up fairly quickly and rained buckets. The wheels
threw up water thru the grating, causing a problem.
Inside the water leaked in thru the window so bad that
the train had to be stopped and passengers transfered
to a enclosed caboose. I suggest that on inclement days, passenger are advised prior to loading that some
water will be thrown up thru the grates. RIDE AT YOUR
OWN RISK. Water coming in the window, some caulking
need to be done and replacing the rain awnings need
replacing. The GTW is not Titantic, it will not sink if a
little water is on the floor. Safety chains still need to be
installed, as a temporary fix is in place.
7. Starting August, only 2 trains a day, check web for
times. I believe if the train consist is not heavy, run only the B&LE and the open air car. If the EJ&E manlift
is needed it could be easily switched into the train or
another caboose added if needed. Undue wear on the
wheels is not needed. Changing cabooses in a rotation
would keep a even wear on all the equipment. During the month of August/September it would be nice to see
one or two pieces of freight equipment in the consist.
Mint harvesting is starting, saw a field being cut on IN39. Richard is cutting, raking, baling hay before it rains. Corn/beans are looking good, prices look good
Have a good week, will be hot, drive safe. I will be traveling next 3 or 4 weeks, St Louis, Ottawa ONT, EH
you say, and Dallas TX.

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

HVRM Restoration 7-10-2010

A nice day at HVRM. Had a passing rain cloud, dropped
some water. Saw one terrific lightning bolt to the north
as I was leaving.
Train ridership was good today. Over 100 riders today.
A birthday party was held in the N&W boxcar for a group
of kids. Lots of visitors looking at the shop area.
1. REA Express trailer. Continued to grind and prime areas around the lower portion of the trailer. Ground off
the screw heads to take off the electrical connections.
Just rusted and unusable. Will post some pictures on
restoration site.
2. Grasseli tower, work continues on scraping and painting sides of the tower.
3. East shop had Cory B on the roof caulking seams
and tightening screws. Quit early as it got very warm.
Options are being looked into sealing the leaking seams
and screw holes.
4. Andy Hershman brought in some Alco parts from Pontiac IL from a parted out Alco diesel that caught
5. Normal depot and kitchen car activities. NTR.
Have a good week and drive safe.

The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. Get busy.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

HVRM 3 July 2010 Restoration Report

Greeting to all, Happy 4th of July to all. Going to be a
warm, humid day. Parade does not start till noon, but
it might be too hot already, so will just watch fireworks
from my driveway tonite.
Sort of low worker turnout, cept for the train crew.
1. Train ridership, 130 people, good turnout, a big
family reunion in Judson and all decided to ride the train.
2. Grasseli Tower, Steve worked on the stairs on the
tower, has to get the platforms square for the stringers
to fit properely. Fred did some sanding on the north side.
3. GTW 75072 window frame got completed by Les.
Caboose is back in service, so it was hard to get time
working on it. I put away all the leftover cans of paint,
boxes of bolts in the newly painted closet. Got rid
of some paint pans and trash. Bob J found Les's ratchet
wrench set he had lost in the Metra car, right where
the seat came out for the GTW. Now if I could only find
my big ratchet wrench.
4. Cory B with the payloader moved the REA Express
trailer to the west building inside, so I could start working on it. Got a nice big grinder wire wheel at
Hoppes Hardward and went to work. Works quickly
and take it right down to metal. Followed up with the
palm sander. Primer went on easy and fast. The two
side doors are shot and will have to be taken off and
rebuilt. Some rust holes, but nothing serious to fix.
The REA emblem and side name are ceramic fired.
I need to take them off and hopefully a buff will bring
them back to full lustre again. What luck that all the
signs are still on the trailer.
5. Bob A had a speeder out of the shed and running.
6. One tank car left during the week, the TTX 85 foot
flat car is being used by C&I for rail work.
Thats it for this week, Happy 4th to All

The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. Get busy.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Reader forwarded you this link for your consideration was reading the following story and forwarded you this


Plans Call for Steam to Ride the Norfolk Southern Rails Again, Through
Display and Excursion Program with TVRM

"Big Bangs" scare the weather away at HVRM 6/5/10?....Maybe!

Greetings to all!
Weather forecast was for stormy weather and a lot of rain today in Starke County and northwest Indiana.  The World War 2 re-enactors had their outing at the museum and their field gun (cannon?) fired a number of rounds (propane only I guess) and, except for a very brief shower, the sun came out and the temps hit about 80 and, the rain stayed away!  Maybe the sound of the cannon scared the rain away!  Or, the weathermen guessed wrong..........again!
I spent the day working on securing the last two anchors for seats on the platform of GTW transfer caboose 75072.  Finally finished those anchors after a big struggle, two scrapes to the arms (bleeding both times) and hitting my head on the underframe of the car twice!  Then drilled holes and bolted the last of the seats in place.  If 75072 ever hits an iceberg, the car may sink, but I believe the seats will remain bolted in place!  I also mentioned to Josh that we need a couple of steel plates over two of the steel wheels to prevent splash up during rainy day operations and Josh promised he would get to it when he got the chance.
Josh spent his day grinding and welding places on LIRR coach # 2937.  He has been working Saturdays for the past 4 months and says he needs to "catch up" on things.
Meanwhile, it is good to report that GE diesel # 11 has been completely painted and looks sharp!  Josh, Jason Annen and Bob Barcus put the front radiator louver casting into place and bolted it down.  The locomotive now wears its medium blue and yellow striping and is now ready to have the lettering applied on the hood and the number added to the cab.  Inside of cab is also painted but the windows still have to be installed along with some other minor work.
Apparently, a gentleman who does the 92 day inspections for ITM was down at the museum and was to give Jason, Doug, and some others, instructions on performing these inspections in house so that the museum will not have to pay others to do it.  Trainning was going to take place after the last run of the day to English Lake.
First run of the day, which included spectaors from the morning WW2 re-enactment, provided a nice passenger count.  I believe Loretta told me that there were 84 riders.  The second run had only a "scattering" of riders (as Elmer so reported).  I am not sure how many rode the last train of the day, but it was supposed to depart after the afternoon re-enactment was to finish and there were quite a few spectators for that particular "show".  
Quite a few members at the museum today.  Mark Knebel had scraped the roof of N&W boxcar 54880 this past week and then gave the roof a nice coat of red primer.  Mark says he is going to start on the cars sides this week.  Jason reported that he has received the prints for this car from the Norfolk & Western Historical Society.  He has received the stencils for the NKP boxcar "twins" 15797 and 15979, along with the stencils for Pennsylvania Railroad boxcar # 607627 (sans the PRR keystone herald) from Todd Flanigan.  Jason reports that we need to make some repairs to C&NW boxcar # 284 before we can clean, prime and paint that car.  Jason also wants to paint the Pennsy F30D class flat car.
Steve Newland has finished installing and painting the new siding boards on the east end of Grasselli Tower.  Jim Mennis of Norwayne Lumber donated and delivered the wood for the steps and Steve was going through that lumber to pick out the best for the steps project.  The building of those steps will mean that we can at last offer visitors access to the second floor and the levers located there.
Have a wonderful week folks!

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